A Mother’s Love Never Ends

Young Mother Kissing Infant

An Unforgettable Mother’s Day Experience

Each year, when Mother’s Day comes around, I am reminded of this experience I had several years ago.  I wrote this article for a magazine and share it with you now in honor of all the Moms out there who care so deeply for their children.


A Mother’s Love Never Ends

My Mother’s Day experience a few years ago was one of those “ah-hah” moments that God so wonderfully puts in our path to teach us life lessons of love and wisdom.  Every year when Mother’s Day comes around, I am reminded of this event that so deeply impacted my life.

My husband was scheduled for an 11 hr shift at work putting him out of the house from 10am until 9pm.  This did not leave much time for us to celebrate Mother’s Day as a family, meaning more specifically him keeping our three kids in line while I was able to relax.  I was disappointed, but completely understood and was concentrating on the fact that my wonderful husband took an entire week off work the previous week so that I could attend a seminar.  I continued throughout the day to try to push that “being a girl” side of me away – you know the one – that overly sensitive, emotional side – well, that did not work!  Trying to push that away only attracted those feelings to me more (Oh – don’t we all LOVE the LAW OF ATTRACTION!).  It was like trying to keep the bar of Dove Chocolate away from the PMS victim – it was NOT going to happen.  So I spent a good deal of my day being angry, feeling sorry for myself and listening to the kids fight, which I am sure was more than triggered by me being depressed.  I was not in one of those “love and light” type of moods, if you get my meaning.

My husband called to see if we would meet him for an early dinner at an Italian place near his work. We went and the restaurant was closed!  Mother’s Day dinner was taco shop for me, but at least I did not have to cook!  On the way home from dinner, we passed by the site of a horrific car accident that happened a few miles away from our home a week earlier.  The area where the accident had happened had been turned into a memorial with candles, balloons, and flowers.  As I passed, I saw him again just as I had seen him in the few days previous to this one.  There stood a little boy, looking lost and confused, just staring at the memorial.  I knew he was lost.  It did not register to him the extent of what happened and his soul had gone into shock, not able to cross over with the others.  Being a medium, I see spirits and feel them, but do not always go out of my way to help them cross.  At times, this is their lesson to remain earth bound, so it just depends on the energy.  Some have unfinished business, others are stuck.  As this is a planet of free will, I do not take it upon myself to help any spirit I might see cross over.  This boy, however, tugged at my heart.  As I passed by, I promised myself I would come back that evening, after things had calmed down with my kids and see if I could help him.

I returned later that night to still find him there, standing near the balloons and flowers.  I pulled off the road and onto the dirt lot where the memorial was placed.  One single candle was still burning.  It was surreal.  I had found his name through some research, as well as the name of his mother who had passed in the car crash.  He stood there listlessly staring at the street where the drunk driver had hit his family’s car.  Flashes of the accident went through my mind – the moments before impact when the children were laughing, when the mother and her sister were discussing their plans.  I saw the force of the collision and the SUV spin out of control, flip and burst into flames.  I heard the screams of everyone inside the car.  I knew as I saw these visions, that this poor child was seeing the same scene, played over and over.

Tears came to my eyes as I called in my guides and the Arch Angels Michael, Gabriel and Jophiel to assist me.  I asked Gabriel to make a vortex of light so that the boy could see it and pass through onto the other side.  As I spoke to the boy, he was unsure of what was happening as he moved toward me and walked in my direction.  I explained that his mother was waiting for him in heaven and that all was fine.  He saw the light and stepped towards it but was still hesitant.  I began to speak the words “I love you” in his language as his Mother reached out her hand to accept him into this tunnel of pure and divine love.  They embraced and looked over at me one last time as if to say thank you and then the tunnel closed.  I knew he had crossed and that his soul was at peace.  It was a beautiful and loving experience for me.  So many lessons I learned that Mother’s Day.

I have learned that the most loving gift and lesson I can ever have is to help another.  I have learned that when I get so wrapped up in my own “stuff” the best way to get out of it if to assist someone else.  The most precious thing I think any of us here on this planet can do is to serve others through love and compassion.  That can be through a smile, a touch, loving energy, watering a plant, patting a pet on the head or simply speaking the words, “I Love You”.  Know that we ALL make a difference here. We all have the ability to express ourselves through love and light.

This has taught me to be so grateful for what I do have in my life, and not concentrate on what is “missing”.  Please, give your children an extra hug today and know how blessed we all are for having them in our lives.


On a side note, a year or so later, I was at a dear friend’s home, who happens to be a healer.  I had a session with her in which she took several photos during the healing.  As we sat at her table while she uploaded the images, my eyes fixated on a photo laying in front of me.  I recognized the person in the image immediately.  The person in the photo was the boy’s mother.  She was in the photo, hovering above a man laying down on the healing bed.  It looked as if she was comforting him.  When I asked my friend about the picture she explained that this man’s family had been killed in a drunk driver car accident.  He had come to see her before he left the country to hopefully release the guilt and grief he’d been feeling.  I know with all my heart that I was meant to see this picture.  It was one more confirmation and a feeling of gratitude ran through me.

God gives us no coincidences.  It is up to us to see things as they are and revel in the miracles that surround us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all.

Love & Laughter,


Does Time Really Heal All Wounds ?

angel embrace

Does Time Really Heal All Wounds ?

This coming Sunday will mark the one year anniversary of the passing of my father, Dale Wolfe, Sr.  As the approach of this day has loomed seemingly over my head since the start of this month, it has brought much reflection to my life.  Once the calendar flipped over to the month of June, I set a conscious intention to make July as busy as possible so that I would be distracted and would not have time to feel the sadness that still knocks me to my knees at times.  There is a hole in my heart that no one else can fill.  And even though I know Dad’s spirit is around me, and seen quite often by my son, it is not the same.  That human being that I am is still a very sense oriented person.  I want to hold Dad’s hand again.  I want to feel his strong arms around me.  I want to see those hazel eyes twinkle and hear that amazing laugh.  I want and I want, but it doesn’t seem to change things.

In the higher perspective, I have the conscious awareness that it was Dad’s “time” to go.  He was ready to let go of his physical form and no longer be in pain.  Cancer is a terrible illness and involves so much on an energetic level I couldn’t even explain it in words.  If I could perhaps set off a nuclear bomb that’s radiation infects everything within it’s path for miles and miles of existence, it might begin to scratch the surface of what this horrid disease does to a person.  I am forever grateful that my dear Father no longer feels this pain or struggle within himself.

It’s been a long year without him.  Milestones and tragedies have occurred in the family.  We lost my father in law, George, six months after Dad passed, to cancer as well.  Dad’s spirit was there at the hospital as I assisted George in his transition, guiding me and supporting me every step of the way.  When I had to be strong for my husband and our family, Dad was there lending his hand and his strength to me once more.  So often I am drawn to pick up the phone and call him to share something that’s happened with my kids or ask for one of his pearls of wisdom, and then I realize that I can’t do that anymore.  But now he knows without me even saying the words.  I find myself singing the songs we liked to sing or watching the westerns we would watch together.  Recently when I went to the theater to see a new western, I could feel Dad right there next to me, talking to me about how much the Lone Ranger had changed since he used to see it.

There is much that saddens me, but in so many ways I am forever thankful for the new connection that Dad and I share.  I truly feel he is the one person in the whole wide world that ever really understood me and never judged me.  To say this man loved me unconditionally would be an understatement.  He didn’t always understand what I did, or agree with my belief systems, but he accepted me.

I hadn’t realized until just recently how much guilt I was holding onto in regards to how Dad passed.  Me, being so enlightened and all (right!) just assumed I aligned with that higher understanding of each soul choosing their exit point and transitioning when it was there chosen time.  Someone should have explained that to my unconscious and conscious mind, because in the depths of those realms laid a heavy weight of false belief thinking I could have done something different to prevent his passing and the accident that ultimately caused his death.  That little girl inside me that he’d protected and safeguarded my whole life was questioning how on earth I could not do the same for my beloved father.  Why had I failed him?  How could I fail him?

Just writing those words takes the air out of my lungs.

My father was the first to step forward upon this realization and ask to assist in helping me clear that energy.  He reassured me that it was nothing I did or did not do.  He wasn’t living a life he wanted to live anymore and he was through with hospitals, chemo treatments and being poked and prodded.  He couldn’t be the man he wanted to be and so he chose to move into a different vibration that allowed him the freedom to watch over his family.  This was his solution, he said, this was his soul-ution.  As he spoke to me a clarity came over my mind and my body.  I felt a peace I hadn’t felt in some time move through me.

So where is the gift in all this?  Of course it is that my father is no longer in pain and as the eternal soul that he is, he is still present in my life.  But is there more that I am to learn from this?  Was there something else?  I posed these questions to my Dad this morning as I enjoyed the few moments of quiet time I had.  When I looked back at the last few years in my life and the losses I’ve experienced on a personal level – two very close friends and the two fathers in my life – as well as the many transitions I’ve assisted with, I felt like there was more I was supposed to understand.

So many people turn to you to bring through messages from their loved ones who have passed because they are in such a deep state of grief, my father said.  What if you could teach them to move through that grief by connecting with their loved ones from the other side?  The healing can go hand in hand, just as it has worked for you.  Think of the times I’ve asked you to give me your pain so that I could assist you.  Think of the energy, prayer and emotional techniques you’ve used over the last year and what has helped you.  What if you could teach others this very same thing?  Moving through the emotions, connecting to their loved ones and having Angelic assistance to boot!  Sounds like a great plan to me!

Yep, Dad.  It sounds like a great plan to me too.  Looks like there is another gift here to be found.  I think I’ve got a lot of writing to do and a big project in the works now.  Good thing I’ve got help with this one!

Does times heal all wounds?  I think the void that is created when we lose a loved one through death is a deep wound.  But as with all wounds, the healing begins when we find the right remedy.  Perhaps the best soul-ution for that is filling the void with the love we feel for those that have passed and making the conscious choice to connect with them.

I love you, Daddy.  Thanks for helping me to keep moving forward, one foot in front of the other.

What I Didn’t Want to See…


What I Didn’t Want to See…

Sensing Spirits and Angels can be absolutely incredible!  Being able to connect people with their loved ones on the other side is also very rewarding and healing.  Some of what I see and sense is not comfortable, and has taken some getting used to.  Some of it I will never understand and there are those instances when I will put up the barrier and down right demand that I not come into connection with certain energies.

Here’s a recent experience I’ve been dealing with over the last few days:

I was in the shower (and water is a great conductor of energy, btw, so some of our greatest visions and connections will happen around water) and a flash of a scene played out in my head. I saw a young man I connected with years ago. His face was vivid and clear. In the next instance I saw him on the floor, looking like he was passed out. Then I saw his soul leave his body. All this happened in a matter of moments. I hadn’t seen him in years. I was not close to him, had no way of contacting him, so I brushed it off. Just a weird flash of energy, I thought. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well that’s what I thought….until days later I heard through the grapevine that this man had died. He had died a sudden death, collapsing and being found hours later. The news saddened me to my core. It’s not that I felt responsible, for I know there was no way of me preventing this. I was sad because he was so young and such a beautiful soul with an amazing heart. The kind of guy that would literally give you the shirt off his back. I couldn’t figure out why I had the premonition. I don’t want premonitions. They make me feel helpless. It’s one thing to question if a certain event will happen and it’s another to be handed the information, whether you want it or not.

Years ago, when I had my first premonition, I was about 6 or 7 years old and I saw the death of a family member before it happened. That continued, and with family members I seemed to be accepting of it. Then ten or twelve years ago, I was sitting at my computer and I was shown a very intense scene – a father and son were washed away by a flash flood. I saw their bodies under the overpass, I got the name of the street. I felt the pain of their last breaths, the overwhelm of the Dad knowing he couldn’t save his son, the pressure as their lungs filled with water. I wrote the vision down and the next day looked up the street name. It happened to be in a town where a father and son were missing. They later found the bodies near the overpass of that street.

I was mad! Why on Earth would God give me this information if there was nothing I could do? I didn’t want to feel people’s deaths…I didn’t want to experience their pain. What was I going to do, call up a police department in Tim Buck Two and say oh, by the way, I was having a vision and this is what I saw? Who would believe me? Even I was second guessing my sanity.

A short time later I was asked to tap into a missing child’s case.  A friend has asked for my input.  I took the young girl’s photo and connected with her energy.  I saw her in an open field and she was playing.  Then I saw a man approach her.  He lured her to his car where he did terrible things to her and later killed the child.  I stopped the scene was it was playing out.  It knocked me off kilter.  I didn’t want to see this, didn’t want to feel it, and couldn’t separate my emotions from connecting with the evil coming from the man and the helplessness of the child.  It made me physically ill.  I threw up.  I had an anxiety attack.  It was more than my soul could bare.

I decided to make a pact with God, my guides and my Angels.  I had the big pow-wow.  I outlined what I was willing to do to be of service – energy work, shamanic travel, reading, connecting with the other side to bring through information to assist others.  I told them I would slay the demons if need be and remove dark entities from people, homes and spaces.  But what I would NOT do was allow my abilities to be used to see into situations I could offer no help or assistance.  I did not want to see things in the future that were beyond my control and I did not want to be involved in murder cases or violence against children.  I had to set my clear boundaries of what felt right for me.

Since that time, I’ve never had an issue.  One big pow-wow, the boundaries were set and I thought it was all good, at least up until a few days ago.  Why was I getting this information?  I wasn’t asking for it, that’s for sure.

So tonight, I sat down with Arch Angel Michael.  I wanted answers.  I wanted to know why our “deal” was broken.  What was the greater lesson here, cause all I was feeling was sadness and helplessness.

Arch Angel Michael’s response:

Dear One,

Breathe deeply, for I know you are upset.  This has rocked you to your core.  It makes no logical sense so allow me to show you the light within the situation.

When you first connected with this man, you saw his light.  You felt his heart.  You saw the passion for life within him and within the work he brought to this world.  You experienced his greatness and this energy was imprinted in your mind.  Though you had no personal connection with him, he impacted your thoughts on life, on humanity and on the light that can exist within a human form.  You literally came into contact with his soul that day.  You made that strong of a connection with him.

When he left this world, you felt that as well.  The days that came before his exit point, as a soul he was pondering his demise, going over the issues of being complete with his lesson and path.  You FELT THIS.  You felt this soul that touched your life contemplating his death.  It was merely an awareness coming into your consciousness.  It was nothing more and nothing less.  Just as we are all one, part of the All That Is, you felt the decision in the works for him to leave his human body and step completely into the light.  You sensed the change in energy and vibration.  Do not take this as a bad thing.  It is not negative.  Look at the amazing gift this man gave you – the ability to see a soul, to feel a heart, and to see light within motion.

Do not grieve the loss or the suddenness of the experience.  Celebrate the way one soul touched another.  Celebrate the realization and confirmation once again that the soul is eternal.

We are all one in the same.  We are of the same light, created with the same unconditional love.  Understand that as a soul you have the opportunity to touch the lives of others just as this man has touched yours.  He impacted you because you chose to be open to the experience.  You chose to open your heart and your eyes to truly see him in his entirety.  How could that be anything less than a miracle?

Allow yourself to see the light in this, my Dear.  Let go of the false belief that this was a bad experience.


Well, put in that perspective, how could I view this as anything less than a gift?

We really don’t know the impact we have on others.  I spent less than a few hours time with this man, and yet he’s brought a profound awareness into my life.  Think of how you impact others.  When we take the time to be aligned with who we really are, we shine our brightest.

I am grateful to have connected with such a beautiful spirit.  He is much loved and forever imprinted upon my heart.

Love Never Ends; Even Through Death, A Mother’s Love and Understanding Continues

love never ends

Love Never Ends; Even Through Death, A Mother’s Love and Understanding Continues

I receive a lot of emails and questions from clients in session about deceased loved ones.  Are they okay?  How do they feel about me?  Are they still angry?  Do I make them proud?  Can you tell them I am sorry for what happened?

When we are in the state of grief, it is very easy to fall into the trap of guilt, blame and shame.  You know, the “could have, would have, should have” scenarios that we play over and over inside our minds.  What many don’t realize is that when a soul transitions over into the other side, they leave behind not only their physical body but also their ego mind.  They do not carry with them judgment or prior hurts or disappointment in others.  The soul moves onto a higher state of consciousness.  In the midst of that consciousness is pure unconditional love.

I recently had a session for a man who lost his mother.  He was her caregiver and while taking care of his elderly mother at home, he encountered his own health issues that were quite severe and time consuming.  When his mother passed, he worried that he hadn’t done enough and that he could have somehow prevented her death.  He was transfixed with the look on her face as the paramedics took her on the stretcher from their home to the hospital.  It was a look of helplessness that plagued him.

Our session was conducted through his sister who came to my office with questions in hand.  She is an extremely Spiritual person, and had made peace with her Mother’s passing.  As soon as she pulled up in her car, I began to feel her Mother’s presence.  We started the session and there was a surge of strong emotion that swept over the entire room.

The son, whom I will call Tom (not his real name), wanted to know if his mother was all right.  His mother, whom I will call Sarah (not her real name) explained that she was wonderful.  She loved not being in a physical body and now being able to do everything she ever wanted to do that she couldn’t in her former life.  Sarah explained to him that it was time for him to let go of the guilt he was holding onto.  She went into great detail of how she planned her exit point to be the way it was and the time it happened for many different reasons.  If he were completely well, he would’ve taken her to the doctor sooner, which would have resulted in her being placed in a care facility which is something she did not want.  She chose to leave in the way that she did, because she did not want to burden her family.

Her love for her son was quite intense, and at times as I conveyed her messages and answers to his questions I found myself raising my voice to make sure her point was coming across.  More than a few times, tears were streaming down my face as I used her words to convey to her son how much she loved him and how she wanted him to stop beating himself up over what he thought he should have done.  “It was MY CHOICE,” she said, over and over with extreme emphasis.  “This is how I wanted it to be,” she explained and at one point in the session she even came through with his full first name, Thomas, which I whispered at the end of one of her answers.

 The client’s sister asked, “What did you say?” I repeated the full name.  She let me know that her mother called her brother this when she was adamant about something.

The session was probably the most powerful and passionate session of mediumship I’ve ever experienced.  Sarah’s love for her son was so strong, there was absolutely no way that she was not going to make her feelings about his situation known.  She made sure to cover all the bases with him so that he could move to a place of healing and understanding.

As a mother myself, I know that I would move Heaven and Earth for my children, especially if they were blaming themselves for something they thought they could have prevented.  The amount of love that flowed through this beautiful woman’s heart to her son was a true miracle and blessing.  It is just more proof that love is everlasting.  Our souls and the love we feel for others are eternal.

I am happy to say that Sarah’s loving words have helped her son move to a space of healing.  I am forever blessed to have connected with these wonderful souls and feel the immense love they share for one another.

Confirmations…And so it is!

quote so it is

Confirmations…And So It Is!

Ever since I was a little girl and began to tap into my intuitive abilities, I wanted assurance that was I was feeling and sensing was “real”.  There has always been a need inside to provide some sort of evidence as to what I was feeling within my body and sensing inside my heart and mind.  As I got older, that same desire of proof was there, but had faded as I began to expand my intuition and trust in the insight that came through.

When information comes to me it hits me like a wave.  If you think of what its like to stand on a beach with the ocean water covering your ankles as you watch the tide come towards you, that’s similar to the energetics I receive when I pick up messages and insight.  I get a feeling of a vibration coming towards my field and then it hits me like a wave washing over me.  As more understanding comes through, the waves become higher and more intense.  I never know how long the process will take or when the direction of the awareness will change.  It literally for me is all about going with the flow.  I guess you could call it soul surfing.

My need for confirmation has changed, yet there are times when messages from Spirit come through that I will later turn to my guides and question them, “Really?”  Many of the things that come through in an intuitive or healing session do not make sense to me but have personal connection for the clients I am working with.  I find there is always a higher purpose in all situations no matter if I “get it” or I don’t “get it”.

I recently met with a beautiful young woman and her mother.  The teenage girl was quite gifted with her healing touch abilities as well as her amazing connection to the rock and crystal kingdom.  She had been bullied in school and labeled with various issues throughout her short life.  To recognize her inherent gifts would be a huge impact on her self-esteem and this is what I encouraged her to explore.  Her mother and she went to a local rock shop here in town to pick up some things so the teenage girl could start experimenting.  As soon as they arrived, the mother was put off by the energy in an area of the store and was feeling quite anxious.  She wanted to leave, but found her daughter happily exploring in another room of the shop so she decided to stay.  The young woman found a few stones that called to her and together they went to the register to pay for their purchase.  As they were checking out, the mother mentioned to the man helping them that her daughter was a natural healer and was learning more about her connection to rocks.  He asked the young girl, “Did you see the rubies behind you?”  She did not hear him, but the mother did.  “Did you say rubies?” she asked.  He nodded yes, and showed them the display.  This was a clear message from Spirit.

In her session, the girl had asked about her half-sister who had passed.  She wanted to know if she was okay now and if she had any messages for her.  The sister was doing wonderful and told my client to be on the look out for a special sign she would be sending her soon – A ruby.  My client’s sister’s name was Ruby and she wanted very much to give her validation and assistance with what she was going through in this time of her life.

What a beautiful blessing and gift.  When the mother told me of this, the tears began to flow as I once again felt the love between these two sisters.  It was also a nice confirmation to me that what I was seeing was real.

Earlier this week, I had the amazing opportunity to work with a client doing distance energy work.  I’ve worked with her several times and most recently she’d been feeling out-of-place, like she didn’t belong.  She’d gotten the intuitive nudge that she might possibly be a starseed or a starperson – a soul that has derived from another star system within the solar system.  So many of her feelings coincided with what many in this situation express.

I started with a basic chakra clearing and asked for her guides to be present.  This time, one guide I’d never seen stepped forward.  He was unlike any other light being I’ve met before.  He began to show me a technique of bringing golden light into her energy field and forming geometric shapes over and through her field.  He said that she originated from Orion and this was an ancient healing technique used there.  As her field and vibration increased, I began to see the most beautiful shapes form in front of her chakra system.  They were colorful and well-defined.  Starting at the root chakra, one pattern formed in front of it and then shot inside of the chakra itself with a surge of energy.  The guide called these formations, “The Flower of Life” and said that they would assist my client and bring her further understanding.  Her energy field was a whirl of activity, light and beauty at the end of the session.

Uhhhhhh……starpeople?  Orion? Flower of Life?  That’s a bit much for even me to swallow and I’m neck deep into the “woo-woo” stuff.  But It felt so right.  Being in the flow of the session I did not question it for a moment.  Later, when my ego mind and logic came into play, I began to doubt.

As I sat in my office pondering what had happened, I felt a familiar presence in the room.  It was Arch Angel Michael.  “Still looking for confirmations, huh?  You know there was a time when you just clapped your hands and said ‘AND SO IT IS’ and that was all there was to it.  So, Ms. Doubting Thomas, why don’t you look up The Flower of Life and see what it is?”

(and by the way, there is a part of me that finds it incredibly funny that I have no issue at all talking to Angels and carrying on conversations with them, but to think that other light beings really exist in other star system seems like a stretch for me)

What I found online amazed me.  It took my breath away.  I know of sacred geometry and astronomy, but I am not versed in those studies.  I had no knowledge of the impact of Orion to the ancients people of this planet, nor did I know that The Flower of Life was a symbol used in sacred geometry or that the two are tied together.  To discover that was a HUGE ah-hah moment for me.

Allow me to introduce, The Flower of Life…


I share this with you, not to put myself up on a pedestal, for that is not my intent.  My intent is to show you that sometimes trust and faith are vastly underrated.  We can spend so much of our time searching for validation that we miss the gifts and blessings directly in front of us.  The only confirmation that you really need is that your intuitive guidance feels RIGHT for YOU.

And let me just finish that off with a loud clapping of my hands as I affirm, “AND SO IT IS!”

Sometimes….I Freak Myself Out

freak out

Sometimes….I Freak Myself Out

Being able to see and sense spirits, angels, ghosts, demons and energy is not always a simple thing in life to deal with.  There of course is the judgment factor from outside sources, along with the doubt and fear that you really are crazy.  When you’ve dealt with this issue for as long as I have, it is interesting that sometimes, I still freak myself out.

I’ve had several of those “ah-hah” moments with clients where I’ve tuned into a long lost loved one and given words of comfort; private messages that there was no way I could know about, or even guess.  I still remember a session I had a while ago.  It was with a woman and her uncle who had passed came into the room with us.  He was a very strong, masculine energy with an amazing sense of humor, but with still a very “tell it like it is” kind of personality. The woman was asking several questions and everything was flowing quite easily.  She then asked about a business venture she and her husband wanted to invest in.  She gave no details, but wanted to know if this would be a profitable step for them to take.  I heard the answer instantly and it was not coming from my guides.  Her uncle sat in the corner of the room and said, “Tell her the online sex toy business will do very well for them.”  My stomach dropped.  I had never met this woman.  I didn’t know where her opinions on this sort of thing were.  My ego and fear began to take over, causing me to get out of the flow of information.  I felt a loving presence place a hand on my shoulder and say, “It’s okay.  Trust.”  Taking a deep breath, I repeated the message from the uncle.  The woman laughed hysterically and said that was exactly what their business plans were.  I don’t think I have ever been so relieved in my entire professional career!

I’ve encountered more of those types of “wow” experiences within the last few days.  I was recently clearing a home for a family and was on site for the process.  As soon as I arrived at the front door I felt an incredible sadness, yet it did not feel associated to anyone living under this roof.  I walked in and began to hear sobbing, screaming and feel pure desperation.  The heaviness on my chest was immense as I began to empathically take in the emotions of a woman my guides called, “she who does not rest.” I immediately recognized that there was a soul here who had passed in the physical but had not crossed over.  She was confused.  She was overwhelmed.  She was lost.  I sat with the family as they explained some of the disturbances in the house – things breaking down for no reason and repeatedly, items being moved and lost, bite marks on belongings, physical scratches and thermostat changes.  I told them of the deep grief and sadness I was feeling and asked to tour the house.  I found the room where the woman most liked to occupy and sat in meditation to connect with her.  She had lost her husband.  She was looking for him.  She did not understand where he was, where she was, or why these people were here in this place.  The woman had been gone from the physical for almost 200 years, and for all of that time in between had been experiencing the torment and turmoil of the accident that had caused her death, along with the loss and grief for her husband.  There was a lot of emotions stirred up – grief, rage, anger, fear, denial, hurt, despair – you get the picture.  She was not happy in the slightest, and the energies of her feelings were causing disturbances for this family.  I explained to her that it was time to cross and reconnect with her family and friends.  She did not believe me and was very resistant.  I asked for the assistance of Arch Angel Gabriel to bring down the tunnel of light and as it appeared, the hand of her loving husband extended out of it beckoning her to join him.  With a huge smile on her face, she ran to him and was gathered up into his arms.  Such an amazing sight to witness.  I came out of trance, and as I turned to go down the stairs to report to the family, I was shown a vision of the couple’s death.  They were riding in some sort of a house drawn buggy from the 1800’s.  The rainstorm came out of nowhere and they became trapped in a flash flood.  She was thrown from the rig and both she and her husband drowned.  Oh…and did I mention the family had suffered three major cases of flooding in the home?  Twice downstairs and once upstairs.  No coincidences here.  The continued trauma of this lost soul impacted the  surroundings of where she allowed her emotion to release and express.

My next recent “freak out” was during an energy session with a woman who wanted to clear a past life relationship that was affecting her current life.  A bit about past lives: when we die in a manner that is sudden and violent, many times we will hold that cellular memory within our current lifetime.   The cellular memory can impact our health, our relationships and our actions.  I think of it like loading a program on my computer a long time ago.  Sure, it may be outdated and very old, but I can still access it when I want to.  And it’s components can definitely influence the operation of the entire computer.  (Sorry….worked too long as a computer tech not to have that come up!)  Your cellular memory can always be accessed it’s just a matter of knowing what right path to take to get there.  I could readily see this lifetime with my client and that it was brutally ended at someone else’s hand.  She lay on my healing table and I knew that the best course of action was to regress her back to the moment of death, remove any impure energies exchanged in that moment and then re-script the outcome.  The regression began, and we were in the midst of the interaction.  My client began to flinch, move and spasm on the table and I could see in my mind’s eye a large sword being plunged deep into her chest.

Here is where the subject gets a little tricky to understand.  Bear with me, I will do my best to walk you through it.  Take a deep breath.  Here we go.  There really is no such thing as time.  Time is a human creation that we use to justify and measure our experiences.  Every single thing you’ve ever done as a soul is recorded in your brain and can be recalled, just like memory on a mainframe computer.  When we access that memory, it can be very real, much like you can bring back those smells in grandma’s kitchen from a long time ago, or the happiness you felt on your wedding day.  This is how the brain and the soul work.  In a regression and re-scripting, the client and I both journey back to the point in time that requires healing and through shamanic technique, I become the observer to the situation; meaning I can see exactly what the client is seeing and feeling.

Back to the freak out….

I began to pull the sword out of my client.  It was long and deeply embedded within her.  I’ve pulled daggers, swords and various weapons out of many people before, and most come out quite easily.  This was not the case this time.  I pulled, I yanked and I used various energetic techniques.  This was something that needed to come out before any re-scripting could take place.  There was a stickiness to this sword for when I pulled on it there was a sucking sensation that drew it back in.  Finally, together we released this terrible implement of hatred.  There was immense pain and I quickly began to energetically close the wound, clear and heal it.  Placing my hands on her chest and channeling in light, my guide whispered in my ear something about “the sword of darkness.”  Well, heck yeah…that’s a good name for it!  We completed the re-scripting and session.  My client also remarked that there was something different about the sword she saw.  I told her that what I saw was a sap like substance covering it and she agreed that this was what presented to her as well.  She was pain free by the end of the session and said it felt like everything looked quite different now.

I happened to be in line waiting somewhere a short time later and got the nudge to look up poisonous sap used in medieval times.  My guides know I have been a computer nerd, thanks to my Dad, my whole life so they incorporate this into giving me information.  I was guided to a specific link that spoke of a plant commonly called Monkshood.  Here’s a small portion of the article:

“In ancient Roman times, monkshood was recognized as a potent poison and was sometimes used by assassins, such as the killer of Emperor Claudius. Soldiers sometimes coated their arrows and sword blades with the sap from the plant before going into battle.”

It went on further to explain how this plant held the most toxic poison in Europe and was used extensively in medieval times.  Talk about a freak out!  I had no clue that people would put sap on their weapons to ensure the victim’s death.  The poison within the sap would cause paralysis, vomiting and organ failure.  No wonder my guide called it, “the sword of darkness.”  During the session, I had seen the attacker preparing this sword with the sap in a dark room in a castle.  All the puzzle pieces fit together.  It made sense.  Still freaked me out by the huge confirmation, but made sense nonetheless.

I can’t explain why these things come through to me other than I know that they just do.  It’s like trying to figure out how a camera works…I have no clue, but I know I can use it and it will work when I need it to.

Pay Attention to the Signs

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Pay Attention to the Signs


Depending on your belief system of life and death, you may or may not believe that souls communicate from the other side of the veil once they’ve passed on.  If you doubt the fact of after death communication, I would invite you to keep an open mind and pay attention to the signs.  Heck, don’t just pay attention to them – ASK FOR THEM.

I am reminded of a time in 1993 when I’d been married for two years and my husband and I were trying to conceive our first child.  After one year of trying, I was getting pretty hopeless and down, doubting my physical issues and thinking that I was the cause of our seemingly infertile state.  I joined a prayer group at church, and we began to pray for one another’s goals.  As I repeated my prayers and affirmations, I asked my grandmother, who had crossed over, to help give me a sign that I was pregnant.  About six weeks went by, and as I was counting a deposit at work, I found my sign.  I had asked for a twenty dollar bill with my birth year on it (1969) to come into my life.  Anyone who deals with money knows that most bills in circulation are quite new and older bills are pretty rare.  I bought the $20 out of the deposit and stopped at my doctor’s office on the way home from work.  You guessed it – I was pregnant!

Much of the time, those signs show up for us when we’re not expecting them.  They are a little reminder from our loved ones that they are okay and that they are thinking of us.  I’ve been experiencing those instances quite frequently since the recent deaths of my father and father in law.

My husband and I were out to lunch last week when a Santana song began to play over the sound system at the restaurant.  Not out of the ordinary for a Mexican restaurant, but then the following song that played was the one that came on our IPod in the hospital right after George, my father in law, passed.  We took note of it and then a short time later, the song that plays in the background of the online memorial I created for George began to play.  I looked at Tim, my husband, and told him that I thought his father was trying to tell him something.  The ever doubting skeptic looked at me, smiled and laughed it off.

He then received a phone call from the minister that was performing the memorial service to go over details.  As they planned and spoke together with my mother in law, I could feel George’s presence very strong.  Tim was tasked with finding music for the ceremony.  As we returned to our meal, the song, “Somewhere in Heaven” began to play.  This is the song that plays during the memorial video we made for the service.  It is a very obscure song, beautiful in fact, but never a hit and I’ve never heard it played in public anywhere.  Tim gasped in amazement and said, “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me!”

Coincidence?  Is there even such a thing?  Is it coincidence then that after that song as we discussed music to play at the service other songs began to flood through the sound system we’ve never heard before that were spot on perfect for his father – a flamenco guitar rendition of Stairway to Heaven followed by a Latin version of Dust in the Wind.  And even more so, was it coincidence that the restaurant sold this CD?  We’ve been dining there for seven years, since it opened, and we’ve never seen music for sale.  The waiter told us about the artist and when we checked the CD label it was recorded in La Mesa, CA, a few miles away from where George lived much of his life.

Other signs appeared.  George’s ashes arrived a few hours before the service while both his sisters were at the house.  We were not expecting them to be delivered till the following week, but in true form, George was never late for a party!  The technical system went crazy at the service – mics came on and shut off, music was played while other songs were supposed to play.  The video was delayed.  But it was all divinely orchestrated and perfect in it’s own right – just like George.

I remember standing at the pulpit, waiting for the background music to begin to play so I could sing the song, “My Way.”  The song did not start right away, but it was nice to have a few moments to catch my breath.  As I did, I could feel George right next to me.  The first few verses went fine, and then I began to shake.  I had to hold onto the podium because I thought my legs might give way.  I could fully feel his energy all around me, whirling around like the tornado he always has been.  He chose that song to convey to everyone what his life meant to him.  I began to cry through the second half of the song, but finished strong as his energy moved through me.  I’ve never experienced anything like that before, but as you read the lyrics to the song, I think you’ll understand what George wanted  everyone to understand:

“My Way”

And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I’ll say it clear
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
I’ve lived a life that’s full
I traveled each and ev’ry highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way

I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried
I’ve had my fill, my share of losing
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way,
“Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way”

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!


Allow your heart to be open to the signs.  Watch for them.  Ask for them.  You’ve loved ones, guides and angels are always near, lovingly waiting to make known their presence.



Parenting the Intuitive Child

crystal child eye

Parenting the Intuitive Child

Last night I gave a lecture on Parenting the Intuitive Child at Spirit Within U here in Las Vegas.  Many parents and children were in attendance, and there were many who could not be there that wanted a recap of the evening.  Within this post you will find my lecture notes and later on today I hope to get the audio of the evening’s event posted online.  When I do, I will post the link here.

I can’t begin to explain the energy in the room or the magic that was created last night.  The excitement of parents and children coming together to learn was amazing.  Little ones from age three on up to young adults aged 18 and 19 were in the room all gathered for one purpose: to gain further understanding.

A five year old boy asked a question about a little girl he kept seeing in his house.  He wanted to know if she needed help and why.  He told me her name was, “Shiny” and that she’d been burnt in a fire.  The boy felt she needed help, but wasn’t sure what to do.  It literally brought tears to my eyes as I tapped into the energy he was experiencing as well as the plight of the little girl.  I explained to the boy that the little girl was frightened and confused.  When the fire happened in her house, she was afraid of the flames and the light and heat they gave off.  She became trapped and died there.  As the tunnel of light came down for her to cross over, she mistakenly thought that it was more light and flames from the fire and ran away, not knowing that this was a way home to the other side.  I walked the young boy through calling in Arch Angel Gabriel to help the little girl cross.  What a brave boy to ask such a question in a room of about 40 other strangers.  Such a bright light!

A ten year old girl wanted to know how to discern between “good” spirits and “bad” spirits.  I asked her how the apparition made her feel, letting her know that if she ever feels threatened or scared, she has the power to command any spirit to leave.  This beautiful young lady stayed for at least an hour after the lecture connecting with other children.  She came running up to me thrilled that she had met another telepath and told me she’d given him a past life reading and how they recognized each other.  At ten years old!!!!  WOW!

Many questions were asked from the audience, but even more questions came after the lecture.  One young woman had a dark attachment, another young man could not shut off the voices of spirits, a family had a dark energy in there home that waking there three boys, and a grandmother was awakened at night by the spirits of her deceased husband and friend.  They all wanted clarity and understanding.  They wanted answers.  They wanted solutions.

This is real, people.  This is how we begin.  You want the world to change?  These children are the a huge part of that shift towards making this planet a better place.  Let us empower them.  They have much to teach us.

My lecture notes follow.

Angel Blessings,



What constitutes an Intuitive Child?

 There are many categories and definitions of “special children” in our society.  First came the Indigos, followed by the Crystals, then the Rainbows and now the Human Angels.  I could spend eons of time delving into the characteristics of each presumed label, but I prefer not to label children.  Instead, I prefer to recognize their strengths and empower them to utilize their gifts rather than confine them to a definition that society may place upon them.

 Intuition is derived by many different ways.  If your child seems to feel things on a deep level, they may also feel the emotions and energy of others, they are most likely an empath.  To see things outwardly, like energy and spirit forms as well as images from another’s memory, is to be clairvoyant.  If you hear things, spirit messages and energetic information, this is called clairaudience.  To feel and receive information about others through your primary senses is to be clairsentient.  To have clear knowing, where you just know something, like the thoughts pops into your head, is to be claircognizant.

 Is everyone intuitive?

Yes, we all have these abilities.  Children have very strong gifts because they come into this world wide open – their senses are heightened and they have no experience of people teaching them anything otherwise.

With the changes in energy most recently in December of 2012 all of these abilities have been heightened.

What makes me an expert on this subject?

I began seeing spirits at the foot of my bed when I was three years old.  No one believed me.  They told me it was my imagination.  I was scolded and punished for “lying” about things and making them up.

By the time I was five, I was telling people I was sure I would die of fright by having a heart attack.  I was afraid of the dark, would wet my bed at night because the ghosts were making contact – some of them being not so nice and downright tormented me.

My siblings would tease me, even hide under my bed and pull at my ankles when I would get up in the morning.  I developed anxiety which later on turned into an eating disorder.

People didn’t understand me.  I still had friends, but when I would tell them something they’d said that I shouldn’t know about, it freaked them out.  I was the one that was always chosen to lead a séance or play light as a feather at slumber parties because everyone knew I could get them to the point of being scared out of their minds.

I desperately wanted to just shut off my abilities.  They frightened me.  My family didn’t believe me.  The few people I met in school that did seem to understand were not positive.  They taught me of the dark side of psychic ability – of manipulation, spell casting with intent to control, and of connecting to dark energies.

This actually manifested into physical dis-ease and I began passing out at school, repeatedly.  As I look back now, I find it as my saving grace, a gift from the angels.  By being removed from the situation, I was able to create distance and break contact with the individuals who I allowed to influence me.

Had I had a mentor in my life then, I know things would have been different.  I know I wouldn’t have begun drinking at a young age to numb out.  I know I wouldn’t have taken on an eating disorder to try my best to have some sense of control in my life.  I always felt that everything from the outside was controlling me, including my abilities.

I’ve worked many years assisting children.  I have three kids of my own; have been the room-mom, Girl Scout Leader, soccer mom, PTA board member, etc. etc. etc.  I’ve seen kids that are so wide open to the rest of the world they experience sensory overload and act out because of it.

My intention in teaching children and parents is to empower them.  It is to teach them tools and skills to strengthen their abilities and to live in balance with them.

My intention here tonight is also to create a sense of community.  I want kids to know they are not alone, that there are many others out there just like them.  I want parents to know that they also can form a support system.  It takes a village, doesn’t it?  Let us form that support system here and now.

Through amazing teachers in my life, I’ve been able to fully invest in my gifts without fear, and use them to be of service.  I want to pay that forward.  There is no reason a child has to suffer like I did.

The path of a sensitive child

It’s tough enough when you’re growing up with all the pressures that are present: fitting in, building a positive self-esteem, learning new things.  When you’re sensitive on top of all of it, it compounds the process.  Imagine being in a room full of other hormonal teens, and feeling all their stuff on top of your own.  Not so easy and extremely overwhelming.

 I have found that sensitive kids walk a fine line.  Some seek out being perfect in everything they do, while others act out because they do not understand what they’re feeling and sensing.  It’s not something they can just turn off.

 Allow me to demonstrate that for you.  Close your eyes.  I’m going to ask you to stop hearing the words I speak.  Are you ready?  1-2-3…can you still hear me?  Right, you can.  Intuition is just like any of your other five senses.  It is a part of you.  You can cover your ears, even put earphones on to block out my voice.  But that’s only going to last for a little while.

 Sensitive children who are not shown ways to focus their energies and gifts sometimes seek out alternative ways to “block out the noise.”  I’ve witnessed many a gifted child resort to cutting, drug use or complete withdrawal as a result of wanting to escape from things they do not understand.  This leads to many problems and deep pain for the child and the entire family.

 I convey this to you, not to strike fear into your heart, but just to pass along my knowledge.  It is time these children learn that who they are and what they can do is NORMAL.  It is not something to hide or to be ashamed about.  If someone makes fun of them or shuns them in any way, it is simply because they are coming from a place of inadequate information.  Perhaps one day, long ago, someone they loved and trusted told them they were bad for using their gifts, and that is all they know.

Open Q & A

Beyond the Veil; Witnessing Life

Beyond the Veil; Witnessing Life

I have so missed writing this blog.

So many things have happened since I last wrote…more health issues with family – my father, mother and father in law; graduations; and most of all bearing witness to the purest sense of light throughout my own inner struggles.

One thing that I keep in my spiritual bag of tricks is the ability to pull negative energy from others.  I’ve done this since I was a young child and further down the road as I learned energy healing techniques of Reiki, Zenith and Shamanism, the ability and intensity became stronger.  It is in those moments of energy sessions that I release to Spirit and allow Creator God to work through me.  I am not the one creating the energy.  I am merely the vessel by which it travels.

I’ve done sessions remotely for people around the world.  I’ve assisted in person inside hospitals, hospices, conference rooms, at car accidents and even the occasional outdoor Vision Quest.  This is something I was born to do and I truly feel it to be a large part of my life’s purpose and mission.  Separating my personal feelings surrounding these situations has become a much needed tool in order for me to focus on assisting the person I am helping.  I suppose you could call this a form of channeling.  If you were to look at the brain like a computer, I have learned to bypass the emotional area and connect fully and completely to my soul.  This doesn’t stop me from my human experience of feeling.  However, it does allow me to concentrate all of my intention on letting the energy from home flow through.

This all worked well until Dad became ill.  Silly human that I am, I have not quite mastered the dissociation of emotion and energy work when it comes to my father.  I try my best not to analyze this, because I’ve worked with many people, even family, and other clients I have deeply cared for.  I have assisted with the passing and transition of several dear souls through the deathing work that I do, and even while working with  loved ones I have held it together and been able to see through the spiritual perspective and not allow my emotions of grief and sadness to be in the forefront.

Working with my father is unfamiliar territory for me.  It honestly pains me to the core to feel the physical trauma within him.  I guess I still see him with the eyes of the little girl inside me, the one that sees Daddy as stronger than Super Man, smarter than any scientist and with a heart larger than the Grand Canyon.

The most challenging part so far for me on this journey with Dad has been the ability to see family and loved ones from the other side gathered around him.  I’ve seen this scenario time and time again with clients in pain and especially with those getting ready to pass.  It usually brings great comfort to witness such love and support.  When I first saw my father’s brothers and sisters gathered around him at the hospital, my heart went out the door and fear stepped in, big time.  I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.  And even though, through my spiritual experience, I knew that the love of his family was helping him to make whatever decisions would come next, my emotional heart struggled to even be in the same room.  I fought long and hard to try to tune their presence out, not to see or sense these wonderful souls who circled the wagons of support around my father.  It never worked.  It was like trying not to see while having my eyes open.

Dad would begin to sing and hum in his sleep during hist stay in the hospital.  I would see a woman around him, stroking his head, singing along with him and whispering in his ear.  She seemed to give him so much comfort.  I could watch the muscles in his body release and relax when she would come into the room, holding his hand, all the while having this huge smile on her face.  The woman had this amazing sense of peace and calm and grace about her.  Her presence around him was greater than the rest.  She would often times appear when Dad was getting agitated and when he was restless.  Her energy would slow his rapid breathing down and his blood pressure would come back to a normal rate.  I began to really enjoy watching her comfort Dad and seeing the physical results take place.

One day, while watching her interact with him while he was drifting off to sleep, I began to cry.  The thought of what may be ahead scared the utter hell out of me.  For the first time, this woman locked eyes with me.  She sat down next to me and began to stroke my hair.  She felt so loving, so safe.  She told me that the only thing stronger than fear was love.  She beckoned to me to choose to see love through all this and to know that Dad would be fine, whether he chose to stay within the physical or go home to be with God.  I didn’t want her to leave.  I wanted to cling to her like a life raft.  The woman was beautiful and had an inner strength that seemed so familiar to me. When she was no longer present beside me, I kicked myself for not asking her her name.

      Imagine my shock, when a short time later, I received this photo from my cousin.  This is a picture of my grandmother, Mabel, when she was 21 years old and a school teacher.

I had never  seen photos of my Dad’s mother, other than one when she was about four years old.  She passed before I was born so I never had the luxury of getting to know her.  Apparently that has changed.

When I gazed at this photo I knew this was the woman who was around my father, the one that eased him and helped him calm down.  She appeared to me just as she looks in this photo.  I was thrown for a complete loop to say the least.

Everything is in Divine Time.  My Grandmother gave me emotional support and advice when I needed it most.  She supported her son during his trauma.  The photo came to me at the exact right time.  There are no coincidences.

My soul, once again feels renewed.  I know that love truly is stronger than fear, no matter which side of the veil you call home.


Blessings to all,

Danielle Garcia

Email from the Other Side of the Veil? Yep…Shocked Me Too.

Email from the Other Side of the Veil


I awoke yesterday morning fairly early, a short time after 5am.  As I lay in bed trying my best to get in another hour of sleep, my mind began to race from one subject to the next.  I began to think of a dear friend who had passed and about family and relationships.  Soon it was 6:30am and I decided to just get up and get some work done.  I went into my office and sat at the computer, checking my email.  Suddenly my mouth dropped open as I read the incoming mail log.  One email was addressed from the friend I had been thinking about!


I began to freak out!


How could this happen?  This had to be a glitch in some system somewhere!  This kind of “thing” doesn’t REALLY take place.   What the freaky Friday was exactly going on here?


Funny, I can see and sense Angels, Demons, Spirits, auras and energy.  I’ve witnessed possessions, miracles, objects moving across rooms and tables and souls crossing over.  Those things don’t freak me out.


But VEIL EMAIL sure does!!!


The email didn’t go into some lengthy explanation of life on the other side, or warn me of impending doom.  It was simply a quote about life, laughter and family and one that really hit me deep in my heart.  It resonated to everything I had been thinking of that morning.  And when I looked at the time of the email, it was the exact minute I had looked at my clock when I woke up.  Even with all these confirmation, or “coincidences” I STILL began to doubt my intuitive vibe that knew this was a communication from my friend.


I am a firm believer in what I do and what I see.  I have no doubt that the energies I come into contact with are real.  There have been times in my life when I have struggled with the drive to find physical proof of the paranormal and spiritual experiences I have.  The need to show others I am not imagining things has been strong within me for a long part of my life.  As I have grown spiritually, I have come to the acceptance of who I am and feel comfortable speaking my truth.  It is the subject of incredible rounds of laughter by my guides as I now doubted the physical proof that was shown right in front of my eyes.


As I asked them, “How could this happen?” I heard the reply, “How could it not?”  They began to explain that I knew the veil was thinning.  I was aware of the communication possibilities with electronics, etc.  AND, as they readily pointed out to me, I already connect with my friend on a spirit level.  So what was the big deal?


I wish I was the type of person who could agree and go on pleasantly about my day, but you guessed it…I’m not!  I sat with the words from my guides and wondered why my first reaction was doubt.  Why wasn’t I excited to receive such a gift as that email?   This led to my logical mind picking apart the self-doubt I held onto about other areas of my life.  The headache started from all the pressures of the emotions and thoughts bouncing around in my mind.  I decided to channel a message, asking the Angels to shine some light on all this for me.  The following is the message that came through:


Doubt of Self
Channeled Message

“Dear Ones,


Why is it that you doubt so very much?  What purpose does this serve?  We watch you insistently, over and over, doubting yourselves; your actions, your reactions, your thoughts, your beliefs…even the very things that are directly in front of you.  Can you see how much of your energy is entangled in the negative vibration of doubting self?


When you first come into this world as the purest light, you occupy your infant physical form.  A baby knows no doubt.  They cry when there is a need to be met and the child fully and completely expects this need to be satisfied.  Can you imagine a baby in contemplation, wondering whether or not they should ask for nourishment or to be held?  Of course not!  They believe and expect that their requirements for a happy life will be filled.  Quite the concept!


Doubt is a learned concept that children are taught and that energy grows and deepens into adulthood.  There is a large difference between making mistakes and accepting responsibility for one’s actions and self-doubt.  So much effort has been impressed upon you to apply analysis and logic to each situation that many times your core instincts take a back seat to the diagnostic mind.


And have you realized yet, Dear Ones, that human logic cannot be applied in every experience?  A plus B equals C, except when it doesn’t.


As vibration and frequency continue to change, so does the evolvement of science and spirit.  Science may accelerate and advance far beyond what we’ve ever dreamed.  But the core of spirituality remains the same, and remains forever constant.  You ARE a spark of God created in God’s likeness and vibration.  You ARE deserving of all that is good and right.  You ARE a being of light and wondrous soul experiencing life as a human.


God’s power does not get stronger as the frequencies change.  God is still the same as God was since the creation of time.  Your soul is much the same.  You are still the same soul you were billions of years ago.  Your power has not changed.  Your soul is vibrant and strong.  It is your choice to choose to experience it as such.


If you all began to tap completely into the energy of your souls think of the amazing things you could manifest and accomplish!  To instinctually live within your spirit is to not only abolish the concept of doubt, but also it is to create heaven upon your Earth.


Miracles are not fairy tales, Dear Ones.  They are not cast upon the most deserving by the hands of benevolent masters in the skies.  Miracles are man-made because you make them so.”


I’m feeling much better now.


I hope you are too!


Love & Laughter,



PS – Today is the LAST day to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of the book, “What You Need to Know to Lead a Spiritual Life.”  Subscribe to the blog and you will have a chance to win a signed copy that also includes a personalized channeled message from me!  Good Luck!