NEW Site! NEW Blog!




Howdy!  Very EXCITED to announce the creation of my NEW and IMPROVED Website which also includes my NEW BLOG!

With having everything in one place I am thrilled to make regular scheduled postings.  YAY!

I hope you check out my latest blog entry as well as the perks of my new site.  There’s lots of great FREE resources to share.

New blog:

New site:

Thanks so much for your continued reading and comments.

Angel Blessings,

Danielle Garcia

Residual Imprints of History – My Visit to Ford’s Theatre (Where Abraham Lincoln was Assassinated)

Ford’s Theatre – Washington DC

On a recent trip to Washington D.C., I was fortunate to tour Ford’s Theatre.  Ford’s Theatre will forever be remembered in our history as the place where one of American’s most memorable presidents, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated.  As my son and I walked into the building to get our tickets, his eyes got very wide and he leaned into and said, “You’re going to want to shield yourself for this one, Mom.  I can feel it already.  The energy here is going to be intense.”

Being a medium, I am used to connecting to places where trauma has happened.  I can sit back in a state of disconnect usually and just play the role of observer.  That was my intention when I entered the museum part of the tour.

We looked at memorabilia from Mr. Lincoln’s elections, his role in the Civil War and other life occurrences leading up to that fateful day in April 1865.  I could feel a mixture of deep love from the American people of this man and an overwhelming sense of sadness of loss.

And then I came upon the display of the gun that was used in the assassination.

No words can describe the imprint of emotion on this weapon.  I stood in front of the display case and felt a deep hatred and rage burning off the metal of the gun itself.  I began to see images and visions.  I heard the gunshot, saw the blood and felt the emotions of panic, anxiety and fear.  The energy hit me so hard, I began to sway back and forth almost losing my balance as the residual energies played over and over inside my mind.  My heart began to race and I felt dizzy.  The tears began to flow from my eyes and I could hear a deep wailing moan and weeping sounds far off in the distance.

I wanted to move away as quickly as possible, and it was then time to enter into the actual Theatre.

Ford’s Theatre, for the most part, remains pretty much the same as it was back in 1865, with the exception of the fact that the seats have changed from wooden seats to modern theater seating.  The Presidential Box is still in place and is decorated as it was the day President Lincoln died.  We were one of the first in the theatre and sat in the middle section below to get a good view of the Presidential Box as well as the stage where the tour guide explained the events of that day.

I took some photos of the box in the balcony and deeply felt the energy of this place.  The residual energy there is extremely strong and it is as if the walls themselves were telling the story, playing the same loops over and over again, never to be cleansed of such powerful emotions.

I must’ve looked like a complete fool as I sat in this half empty theatre, taking deep breaths with tears falling down my cheeks.  I could feel the love the American People had for this man, this president.  I could hear some of them calling him their “Champion.”  There was such reverence for him, such respect and such compassion.  And when he was shot, there was extreme chaos and sadness that someone, anyone, would even think about doing such a heinous act to a person held so dear in the hearts of so many.

The screams kept playing over and over in my mind.  As the tour guide spoke and gave his presentation I kept seeing movement on the stage, to the right of the curtains, up in the box, and a dark figure walking along the upper level towards the box.  The talk was very informative and confirmed much of what I was seeing in the visions.

I’ve been to other locations where there has been great chaos, murders, death, hauntings and trauma.  I’ve never encountered such strong residual energy imprints as is present at Ford’s Theatre and also in the Peterson Boarding House, across the street, where President Lincoln was taken after the shooting and later died.  The degree of sadness is heart wrenching and I think can only be likened to the measure of extreme love most people had for this amazing man.

President Lincoln brought hope to so many people.  His devotion was truly to the United States and to ALL of her people.  Those behind the conspiracy to murder him may have succeeded in his death, but they will never succeed in removing him from the hearts of the American People.  Even 150 years after his death, his Spirit is still mourned.

I left this place exhausted.  It was an emotional roller coaster, but one I am grateful to have experienced.  The strong vibes there changed my own view of history, as well as the afterlife.  Our emotions can imprint on places, locations and things that will last an eternity.  The intense grief and sadness felt here is because this man was so dearly loved and regarded as changing the course of history itself.

I’ve included some of the photos I took.  Look at the one with of the Presidential Box and you will see a dark figure walking towards it.  That is not a person.  There was no one upstairs when I took that picture.

Lincoln2       The Presidential Box

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALook at the figure walking towards the box.
Lincoln1The gun that was used to kill President Lincoln

( Click on the photos for a better view)

How Do You Find an “Ethical” Healer?

 How Do You Find an “Ethical” Healer?

Each day, billions of us seek out healing.  Healing comes in many forms.  It can be in the form of a therapist, a dentist, a doctor, a chiropractor, a psychic, a medium, an energy worker, a shaman, and the list continues on.  How do you know who to trust?  How can you find a healer who is ethical?

My definition of ethical healer relates to someone who is in integrity, has respect for their client or patient, does not over step personal boundaries, is honest and who puts the person they are caring for first and foremost.  An ethical healer has no personal agenda when it comes to those they are providing service.

When we seek healing, in whatever form that may be, we are in a vulnerable state.  No one goes in to the doctor or their shrink when they’re having a good day.  And no one seeks out energy work or spiritual advice unless they’re in a state of questioning or imbalance.  It can be difficult to make good judgment when our minds or bodies are in chaos.  So how then do we find practitioners that are in alignment with our needs?

First, ASK FOR RECOMMENDATIONS.  Ask around for personal recommendations from those you trust.  Next, DO SOME RESEARCH.  Look online.  How do you feel when you see their photo on social media, their webpage?  Are there any reviews of them and what do they say?  Finally, DO A GUT CHECK.  Center yourself and ask – is this the right healer for me?  What do you feel from that question? If at any time during this process you catch a bad vibe – move on.  Look for someone else.  If all feels good, reach out to that healer and make contact.  Interview them by phone or in person, explaining what services you’re looking for.  Notice their reactions, their energy and how they connect with you.  If this feels right, then proceed and make an appointment.

Seems like a lot work, right?  Trust me, this is better time spent on the forefront than trying to rectify damage caused by someone of ill intent.  Remember, you are worth spending that time to find someone who has your best interests in mind.

As in all professions in existence, there are those who practice with good and with bad intentions. And if a doctor is in error, he can be reported to the state medical board and have his license revoked.  If a psychiatrist puts the moves on a patient, they can be reported as well.  These medical healers have rules and regulations they are sworn to follow and if they do not, they are not legally allowed to practice.  But what rules do spiritual healers have to follow?  What governing board holds them to a certain standard?

There is one Universal law that all spiritual healers should follow and that is, “Always respect and never impede upon a person’s free will.” What that means, is that a spiritual healer should never take advantage of their client – energetically, spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally.  Never cause harm is another highly understood unwritten law as well, and yet there are those who profess to be “healers” who still inflict this negativity.

It’s important to understand that YOU are in the driver’s seat and in control during every healing session.  If something is happening that you don’t like or trust – stop the session.  That can be hard to understand if you’re just opening up to your spirituality and don’t have an awareness of what goes on during a session.  So let’s talk about what happens during healing sessions for further information.

I’ve had the extreme blessing of experiencing many forms and modalities of spiritual healing: Native American, Egyptian, Brazilian, Reiki, Huna, Pleadian, Tantra, Yoga, Regression, Crystal Therapy, Soul Retrieval, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, NLP, Massage, Theta, Chelation, Santeria, VooDoo, Angel Therapy, Amanae, Sound Therapy and various forms of Shamanics from all over the world (its awesome to have friends and soul family from lots of different cultures).  One thing is common in all of the ethical treatments I’ve received – the practitioner makes the client feel comfortable, safe and always respects their boundaries.  The facilitator will check in throughout the session to make sure the client is okay and they always remind the client that if anything happens they are not comfortable with that the session will stop.  This puts the client at ease.  A good practitioner will explain to the client the process of what will happen during a session.  If hands on healing is involved, they will ask permission before placing hands on the client.  There should NEVER be any sexual touching whatsoever, unless that is the type of therapy you are seeking, and even in those instances, permission is ALWAYS asked before touch is given.  Some modalities require objects to be placed on the skin for healing, and again, with those instances, the healer should ask permission and let the client know ahead of time.

If I am administering an energy work session and I sense blockages or issues in the area of the sexual organs I will place my hand in the client’s energy field well above the body to help remove the block and send healing.  Energy can be transferred without touch, and again, it is most important to make the client comfortable or else they cannot receive the healing.

Your personal boundaries and safety are what is most important.  If you’re laying on a treatment table and all of the sudden you feel like your safety is in jeopardy – GET UP AND LEAVE.  Don’t feel bad, don’t worry about hurting the healer’s feelings.  It’s never supposed to be about them anyway – your healing is about YOU.  For some people this is a concept that is easily understood, but for others, especially those in extreme vulnerability, the lines are blurred.  All they can think about is getting better and if you’re not used to the process of energy work or healing sessions, you may be lead to believe that this is part of it.


Unfortunately, I was one of those people who lacked awareness and who simply wanted the pain to stop and so I gave my power and my trust to a healer who abused me.  I witness countless clients who have been in similar situations like I have been and it sickens me to my core.  There are millions of healers out there, myself included, that are not held to any standard of care other than our own personal integrity, committment, intention and karma.  There are too many modalities in existence to create any type of umbrella legislature to abide by.  That’s why its important to do your due diligence in research before seeking treatment.

The wounds that can be caused by ill intent are not easily healed.  Learn from my experience and the countless experiences of others who have been wounded.  Trust your instincts.  If something feels wrong, it is.

The Lesson in Dis-ease ~ Channeled Message

rock stack


The Lesson in Dis-ease

(Channeled Message)


Dis-ease is something that occurs when a soul is out of balance.  Keep in mind, when I use the term “soul” I speak of all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.  And to call forth an even greater ideal, if a soul is out of balance, then is indeed the Universe?  Or are we all finding our way through perceived chaos? Something to think about.

There can never be an illness or dis-ease present within a physical form without some type of energetic and emotional connection.  Some accidents and injuries result as a repeat of past occurrences in prior lifetimes, clearing of karma, or as lessons to now complete.  Many illnesses result as a vibrational pull due to low self-esteem, insecurities, and even fears.  The Universe will always respond in like kind, so be aware of what you’re thinking and projecting.

When caught in the midst of dis-ease, how do you find your way out?  Where do you start to gain your balance?

It is most important that you look at the totality of balance.  Balance occurs on all levels, for if one is out of kilter then it affects all.  Work from the outside layers inward to come to the highest resolution possible.  Most times, people will work at the physical level and the physical level only.  This is merely treating the end result and not getting to the core issue that caused it.

Spiritual – sit with the question, “How does this dis-ease affect my Spirit?” What answers come forward for you?

Are you angry at your god?  Do you feel unworthy of good health? Does this imbalance cause you disconnection from your Spirit?  What have you not expressed? What kind of false beliefs are you invested in? And most importantly, what kind of Spiritual work will make you feel better?

Mental – sit with the question, “What makes logical sense about this dis-ease?” How do you answer this?

How did I get it?  Where did it come from?  Who else had it that I know?  What patterns am I learning from it?  What is the solution?  What do I think about myself now that I have it?

Emotional – sit with the question, “How do I REALLY feel about all this?” What insecurities or fears come forward?

Allow all the emotions to play out.  Express them.  Feel them.  Embrace them no matter how much they hurt, how loud they are or how ugly they make you feel.  And when you’re done, pat yourself on the back.  You are strong.  You are still standing.  Good job.

Physical – sit with the question, “How has this impacted my physical body and my physical life?” What comes forward when you think of this?

Are some of your answers things you’ve been avoiding?  Are there issues in your life you did not want to face and the dis-ease and imbalance give you cause and affect not to face them?  Can you make a connection between the physical discomfort and the issues you found in the spiritual, mental and emotional areas of your life?  What physical activities bring you comfort and happiness?

There are many steps to finding balance in this life.  It begins by looking into the perceived areas of darkness and shining light upon them.  Your perception of lack is not something to shy away from.  It is something to focus on, to delve deeper into so that you may see the TRUTH and find the lesson within.

If you cannot see these things for yourself, reach out to friends and support systems to help you through these steps.  You will find your balance.  You will find your release and renewal.

All is possible.



From Danielle – I have to mention:   After this message came through and I read it, I immediately asked my guide how she could take such a simplistic view of such a horrendous subject as dis-ease.  To this she replied, “It is my higher perspective that allows me such simplicity.  When you become attached to the ideal that dis-ease is real and runs rampant in your life then you reinforce it’s power and strength.  See this as a simple solution and it can be a powerful change for you.”

Her words made sense.  They rang very true for me.



The Dark Side of Living in the Light

dark n light

The Dark Side of Living in the Light

Catchy title, right?  Not wishing to be dramatic here.  Just telling it like it is.

For some people, living in “the light” means being of a higher vibration and seeing that vibration in all of existence.  That is beautiful, amazing and wonderful.  It is possible to find your Zen and look at life from the higher perspective and realize that no matter what happens in the lifetime, you are a soul with a continuous stream of existence.

For other people, they find their spirituality within the light by adapting belief systems and practices that allow them to feel closer to their higher power.  This too, is an incredible way of life.

And still others take on roles as light workers, healers, ministers and such to help people open up to their light, to empower them to embrace their spirit and their strength.  Many of these Spiritual teachers and leaders teach that we are of a vibration now where darkness no longer exists, while others will pound the reality of evil into the forefront of their teachings to elicit fear.

So where is reality in all this?

I believe we create our own reality through our perspective.  If you believe that we are living in a higher dimension right now where no dark energies can be present, then that is your reality.  If you believe you have to adhere to certain rules and rituals because the devil waits for you around each corner, then that is your truth.

I never really believed in curses or spells.  Sure, I liked to play witch when I was a little girl and was known to play with candles when I wasn’t supposed to.  I was drawn to ancient Egyptian texts at a young age and marveled at their rites and incantations used in ceremony.  I thought it magical.  I respected their devotion to their faith.  But that, honestly, was about it.

Then began my studies in Native American Shamanism.  I was part of ceremonial practices and could feel Spirit and energy all around me.  It wasn’t a spell.  I wasn’t directing negativity to anyone.  It was beautiful, engaging, entrancing and LIGHT!  The connection made my heart sing.

As I dug deeper into my spiritual learning, I still held a disregard for curses, believing that only those in a state of fear and adhering to a particular belief system could be affected by such things.  I gave this practice no power whatsoever.  Even when my teachers would explain about psychic warfare and how to combat it, I would go to my happy place in my mind.  Those things had nothing to do with me.  They were for other people, not as “light” as me of course, to deal with in their reality.

And then I got my first attachment.  It hit me hard.  I was depleted, mentally, physically, emotionally and definitely spiritually.  I thought I was losing my mind.  I couldn’t concentrate, didn’t want to move and definitely felt like leaving this life would be the best choice I could make.  Thankfully, I turned to a trusted teacher and Shaman for help.  I thought it was something purely physical or perhaps I pulled something in from a client.

As I spoke to my Elder, he connected with my energy.  I could see him going into trance and taking inventory of my field.  Within moments he told me each physical symptom I was having, the negative thoughts I’d been experiencing as well as visions of a man I’d been working with.  He went on further to explain to me that this man had placed a negative entity into my energy field to weaken me and cause me harm.

I was dumbfounded.  Why would anyone want to do that?  I was very Pollyannaish about being of the light.  I thought as long as I did my light work I got a free pass on negativity.

Ummmm….NO!  Even as I write that statement I cringe.  And I laugh.

My wonderful teacher explained to me the importance of boundaries – physical, emotional and energetic.  He also enforced and reiterated the tools I had been taught but not practicing myself in regards to clearing and dealing with negative energies directed to cause and inflict harm.

My mind and heart went into fear.  Was I so weak that I allowed this person to harm me?  What would happen next time?  Why didn’t my guides let me know?  How can I be intuitive and not know this?

I saw the eyes of my teacher begin to sparkle and a smile paint across his compassionate face.  “What did you learn?”  He asked.  “What gifts were you given?  And Honey, if you expect your guides to give you ALL the answers you are barking up the wrong tree.  If they gave you all the answers why would you be here?  You would stay on the other side.”

I sat with that.  Long and hard I sat with that.  I began to realize that life is a learning curve.  Each experience gifts us an opportunity to discover something new.

Doing this work for going on 20 years now, I’ve witnessed and experienced more than my share of light and dark.  I believe we can’t have one without the other – not on this Earth plane.  We come here to experience both and to learn from each.  And then we have a choice.  Which will we allow to be the driving force in our life, good or evil?

Yes, there are curses, spells, negative entities, demons, dark dimensional beings, psychic attacks and other creepy crawlies in existence.  But that doesn’t mean we have to bury our heads in the sand or hide under the covers.  Knowledge, as they say, is power.  There are tools to deter each of these scenarios and just because something is out there doesn’t mean you will experience it.

Every bad thing that happens in your life isn’t because of a curse or some sorcerer conjuring black magic.  Take responsibility for your life, meaning – your BODY, your MIND and your ENERGY. When all are in good working order with proper boundaries in place, no darkness can come through.

I Am Dying – A Powerful Understanding of Terminal Cancer


A title caught my attention as I was looking for something to watch on tv – “I Am Dying,” was the title of a one hour time slot documentary on NatGeo. Not the typical comedy or history driven program I am usually geared towards, but I was drawn nonetheless.

The feature is all about Renee, a young woman who is diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s about her life, her passions, her accomplishments, her struggles and eventually her death. It’s about not only Renee’s experiences, but also those of her family, her friends and her caregivers.

This is a powerful journey I highly recommend you witness on your own. Cancer in our society is portrayed in many ways and by numerous definitions. There is the big pharma and western medicine view, the Hollywood movie drama, the karmic or religious standpoint, and yet unless you’ve lived through it, whether it be your own health crisis or that of someone you love, no portrayal ever really touches on all aspects of cancer. Not until this movie.

NatGeo, Joaquin Phoenix, Casey Affleck and the film’s directors have put together a compassionate reality of what Renee experienced. This powerful film shows the life changing choices we have to make, both as stewards of our own health care, and as caregivers of our loved ones.

It’s REAL. It’s GRIPPING. It’s the closest thing I’ve seen placed on film that fully describes what day to day life is like for someone in Renee’s particular situation. You will see her daily treatments, the process she goes through as her mind and body begin to shut down, and most definitely you will witness the loving care and kindness that surround her.

I’ve had the role of caregiver for loved ones in this situation and it’s not easy. I’ve watched people I love more than anything slowly wither away because of a horrid disease called cancer.

Many people shy away from dealing with those that are sick or who have been given a diagnosis such as cancer. They go into fear, they don’t understand, and it’s easier to not deal with it than to face it. I get that. It’s not simple or comfortable to see someone dealing with chemo or side affects from a sickness. It’s not pleasant. But a small effort can make a huge difference in that person’s life.

I recommend this film to all who’ve been affected by cancer, to all who wonder what REALLY goes on in the life of a terminal cancer patient, and to all who want to make a difference.

Positive change can start with YOU. Knowledge is power. If you witness someone else’s journey then you will have greater understanding. And then the next time you see someone you know who is suffering from this disease, you can see them with compassion – you can smile at them with light, and not pity. You can look them in the eye with honor and respect, no longer afraid of their diagnosis, and with understanding within your heart.

God bless Renee Heidtman and her loving family and friends for their willingness to share this courageous journey with rest of the world. Renee will be remembered for her light, strength and beautiful spirit, not a diagnosis on a medical chart.

For more information, please visit: