A Mother’s Love Never Ends

Young Mother Kissing Infant

An Unforgettable Mother’s Day Experience

Each year, when Mother’s Day comes around, I am reminded of this experience I had several years ago.  I wrote this article for a magazine and share it with you now in honor of all the Moms out there who care so deeply for their children.


A Mother’s Love Never Ends

My Mother’s Day experience a few years ago was one of those “ah-hah” moments that God so wonderfully puts in our path to teach us life lessons of love and wisdom.  Every year when Mother’s Day comes around, I am reminded of this event that so deeply impacted my life.

My husband was scheduled for an 11 hr shift at work putting him out of the house from 10am until 9pm.  This did not leave much time for us to celebrate Mother’s Day as a family, meaning more specifically him keeping our three kids in line while I was able to relax.  I was disappointed, but completely understood and was concentrating on the fact that my wonderful husband took an entire week off work the previous week so that I could attend a seminar.  I continued throughout the day to try to push that “being a girl” side of me away – you know the one – that overly sensitive, emotional side – well, that did not work!  Trying to push that away only attracted those feelings to me more (Oh – don’t we all LOVE the LAW OF ATTRACTION!).  It was like trying to keep the bar of Dove Chocolate away from the PMS victim – it was NOT going to happen.  So I spent a good deal of my day being angry, feeling sorry for myself and listening to the kids fight, which I am sure was more than triggered by me being depressed.  I was not in one of those “love and light” type of moods, if you get my meaning.

My husband called to see if we would meet him for an early dinner at an Italian place near his work. We went and the restaurant was closed!  Mother’s Day dinner was taco shop for me, but at least I did not have to cook!  On the way home from dinner, we passed by the site of a horrific car accident that happened a few miles away from our home a week earlier.  The area where the accident had happened had been turned into a memorial with candles, balloons, and flowers.  As I passed, I saw him again just as I had seen him in the few days previous to this one.  There stood a little boy, looking lost and confused, just staring at the memorial.  I knew he was lost.  It did not register to him the extent of what happened and his soul had gone into shock, not able to cross over with the others.  Being a medium, I see spirits and feel them, but do not always go out of my way to help them cross.  At times, this is their lesson to remain earth bound, so it just depends on the energy.  Some have unfinished business, others are stuck.  As this is a planet of free will, I do not take it upon myself to help any spirit I might see cross over.  This boy, however, tugged at my heart.  As I passed by, I promised myself I would come back that evening, after things had calmed down with my kids and see if I could help him.

I returned later that night to still find him there, standing near the balloons and flowers.  I pulled off the road and onto the dirt lot where the memorial was placed.  One single candle was still burning.  It was surreal.  I had found his name through some research, as well as the name of his mother who had passed in the car crash.  He stood there listlessly staring at the street where the drunk driver had hit his family’s car.  Flashes of the accident went through my mind – the moments before impact when the children were laughing, when the mother and her sister were discussing their plans.  I saw the force of the collision and the SUV spin out of control, flip and burst into flames.  I heard the screams of everyone inside the car.  I knew as I saw these visions, that this poor child was seeing the same scene, played over and over.

Tears came to my eyes as I called in my guides and the Arch Angels Michael, Gabriel and Jophiel to assist me.  I asked Gabriel to make a vortex of light so that the boy could see it and pass through onto the other side.  As I spoke to the boy, he was unsure of what was happening as he moved toward me and walked in my direction.  I explained that his mother was waiting for him in heaven and that all was fine.  He saw the light and stepped towards it but was still hesitant.  I began to speak the words “I love you” in his language as his Mother reached out her hand to accept him into this tunnel of pure and divine love.  They embraced and looked over at me one last time as if to say thank you and then the tunnel closed.  I knew he had crossed and that his soul was at peace.  It was a beautiful and loving experience for me.  So many lessons I learned that Mother’s Day.

I have learned that the most loving gift and lesson I can ever have is to help another.  I have learned that when I get so wrapped up in my own “stuff” the best way to get out of it if to assist someone else.  The most precious thing I think any of us here on this planet can do is to serve others through love and compassion.  That can be through a smile, a touch, loving energy, watering a plant, patting a pet on the head or simply speaking the words, “I Love You”.  Know that we ALL make a difference here. We all have the ability to express ourselves through love and light.

This has taught me to be so grateful for what I do have in my life, and not concentrate on what is “missing”.  Please, give your children an extra hug today and know how blessed we all are for having them in our lives.


On a side note, a year or so later, I was at a dear friend’s home, who happens to be a healer.  I had a session with her in which she took several photos during the healing.  As we sat at her table while she uploaded the images, my eyes fixated on a photo laying in front of me.  I recognized the person in the image immediately.  The person in the photo was the boy’s mother.  She was in the photo, hovering above a man laying down on the healing bed.  It looked as if she was comforting him.  When I asked my friend about the picture she explained that this man’s family had been killed in a drunk driver car accident.  He had come to see her before he left the country to hopefully release the guilt and grief he’d been feeling.  I know with all my heart that I was meant to see this picture.  It was one more confirmation and a feeling of gratitude ran through me.

God gives us no coincidences.  It is up to us to see things as they are and revel in the miracles that surround us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all.

Love & Laughter,


Always Remember to Share Your Blankie…

I didn’t intend on getting sick and I sure did not intend on spending my morning in Urgent Care, but alas this is what happened so I did my best to roll with the punches (and trust me I feel like I’ve been beat up big time).   After spending a good part of yesterday figuring out if I had been “approved” for our new insurance, I was up early calling the company to find a walk in clinic where I could be examined.  My family has been passing a bug/flu/cold back and forth for over six weeks now, and I am on my second round of it.  This time the pressure in my lungs and my cough was too much for all my home remedies to kick, so I knew it was time to check in with an MD.

Surprisingly, the Urgent Care I went to was also a Pediatric Clinic, so there were lots of little ones when I arrived this morning.  I was sitting in my chair, filling out the barrage of paperwork, when a nine year old boy came in with his father.  You could tell the boy was not feeling well, as he was curled up in his chair, leaning on his dad.  A girl, who looked about seven years old sat a few rows away watching him.  Within about five minutes of him arriving, this little girl walked over with her blanket that she had around herself and asked the boy, “Would you like my cover?”  She was there to be examined as well, but saw the state of this boy and offered up her comfort to him.  It was so beautiful to watch as he accepted her offer and managed to crack a small smile in the process.

Later I was called back to the exam room and given a breathing test.  My lungs were at 65% capacity – huge shock to me, but explained all the pressure I’d been feeling.  I was upset at this finding, but settled in as the breathing treatments began.  A small boy, about 10 months old was being looked at two rooms away.  He started screaming a blood curdling scream that made my head pound all the more.  My first thoughts were, “Oh great…on top of all this I am going to have to listen to this kid for the next few hours.”  Not very positive, I know, and now I feel horrid for it.  As moments went by, there was a stillness in the exam room.  My guide appeared and said, “Don’t you think he feels bad about this too?”

With those words I was shown a previous life time where this boy had been tortured – held down by arms and legs and cut into.  It was awful!  He was reverting back to these memories ALONG with the trauma of being in a strange place and having lights placed over him and being poked and prodded.  My heart went out to this little guy, and I began to send love his way and kept reaffirming, “this is now, it is not then,” over and over and over again.  With the help of the Angels I worked to put gentles colors around him and send him visions of being cuddled up with his Mommy, resting peacefully.  It took a short while, but he calmed down.

Was I at the right place at the right time?  Of course I was!  I needed to learn to think beyond my own misery.  These children taught me the simplest yet most powerful lessons of being human; sometimes it takes listening to find out what the answer really is, whether that is listening to another’s cries, their body language, or listening to your own body when it is telling you to REST.  And now, that’s what I will be doing – RESTING.

Always remember to share your blankie!!












Love & Laughter,


Take Two Crystals, and Call Me in the Morning….

My son, Adam, administering a Rock Treatment at the Heal-a-Thon in 2010.  He was five years old.

Most recently, my husband, daughter and I were having lunch and the subject of my son, Adam came into conversation.  Adam had been coming in to my bedroom late at night having difficulty sleeping and we were discussing reasons why this was happening.  My daughter began to tease my husband, telling him he was too rough on Adam, and I agreed, asking Tim to let up on our son.  And to this he replied, “Yeah.  Adam comes in our room with a sore throat.  I tell him to get a drink.  You give him two crystals, do some reiki, take him through a guided meditation and clear him with the Angels.”

Oh, how I wish I could’ve captured the look on the woman’s face sitting in the booth across  from us!

My daughter and I began laughing hysterically to which my husband added his snickering and snorts.  It wasn’t quite as funny though  when later that evening, seven-year old Adam appeared at the side of my bed at 11pm, complaining of a tummy ache.  Tim rolled over away from us, burying his head in the pillows laughing and wondering which “woo-woo” cure Mommy would come up with this time.

I am reminded of stories from my father of how his mother would cure him when he was ill.  There was castor oil, hot onion and mustard seed packs, and bundling up to sweat out toxins and break fevers.  And the best thing was…it worked!  Once again, technology is great as is the scientific advancement of medications that can cure us, but what is the best remedy for our bodies?

When my grandfather was a small boy, he and his brother were playing outside while his mother did the laundry.  This was a long time ago, and doing the wash was not a simple task.  There was a large, roaring fire inside a fire pit with an enormous pot of boiling water and lye soap inside where the clothing was placed and stirred.  Little boys being who they are, my grandfather and his brother raced around outside and did not heed the warning of their mother to stay away from the fire pit.  My grandfather stumbled over some rocks and fell into the fire.  He was about three or four years old and as my great-grandmother pulled him from the flames she could see the blisters beginning to swell on a large portion of his body.

There was no phone to call 9-1-1.  The nearest neighbor was miles away and it was not even certain that the town doctor was in town that day, if they could hitch a wagon and drive there in time.  My great-grandmother summoned all her knowledge and strength and did what her instinct told her to do, she laid hands on her son.  Now to some, this would seem far-fetched and ridiculous.  To my great-grandmother, this is how she was taught to heal from her mother, and her mother’s mother, and so on.  This was what the wise ones practiced in their tribes.  It was much more than a gift or an ability.  It was faith.  It was belief.

She held her son in her lap and began to pull the heat from his body.  As she pulled the heat, she could see the blisters growing smaller.  Her son’s cries became quieter.  When she felt it was time, she stopped the healing treatment and made a poultice of herbs for his body.  Great Grandmother was wonderful at concocting remedies; salves, tonics, and all the rest.  She had a keen sense of what assisted the body to be in balance.

My grandfather healed completely.  He did have some fear of fires, and did not chase around them any more, but most remarkably was left without even the slightest scar.  How could this be?  Was it a miracle?  Was it God working through my Great Grandmother?  Did Great Spirit and her ancestors assist her in healing her son?  Was her faith and belief so strong, that it erased any sign of dis-ease and dis-stress from his body?

I will let you draw your own conclusions to those questions.  It is my belief that it was a combination of ALL those things.  And maybe, just maybe, it was also because my great grandmother didn’t grow up having someone tell her that it would NOT work.

This story has been passed down through my family for generations.  My great grandmother was Native American and my great-grandfather was white.  They were both shunned for marrying outside their race, and it was most difficult for Great Grandmother as she was not accepted in the white community, nor were her healing ways.  News of what happened to her son traveled through their neighborhood and not long after, people from town began showing up at the back door of her home, not wanting to be seen visiting.  She would invite them into the root cellar and whip up one of her delightful creations or lay hands upon them, which became referred to as “talking the fire out of them.”  Funny how when the doctor’s tactics in treatment did not work, those in need sought her out even after they had rejected her for being different.

Before Adam was two years old, we were outside one evening and he pointed to the sky during a full moon, and said, “My Moon” over and over with a huge grin spread across his chubby little cheeks.  We hadn’t taught him that word, just as we hadn’t explained to him about energy and how all things carry their own vibration. During this time frame, my oldest daughter, Ashley, was about eleven years old when she took her entire rock collection and spread it across our dining room table.  She has always loved rocks and crystals and found that she could communicate with them.  Her affinity with their energy allowed her to choose rocks that were most suited for certain healing as well as emotional and spiritual support.  Adam toddled over to crawl up in a chair close to the table and I watched him pick up several different rocks.  He would put each one next to his ear and then make a whirring kind of noise.  Sometimes the sound was high-pitched, sometimes low.  The noises ranged from quiet to loud and slow to fast, some even appeared to have a rhythm.  Ashley was beaming as she explained to me that he was hearing the vibration of each rock and mimicking the sound.  She began to ask him which rocks were the strongest, and which were best for this and that.  At one point she asked him who the “teacher rock” was and he took a minute, surveying the many crystals and rocks laid out, and picked it up and began to make a very loud, deep toning sound.

Great Grandma would be so proud….

My children are my greatest teachers.  They remind me to be “open” to new things, whether that means rock treatments, an awesome new hairdo or the latest Spiderman Xbox game.

What basic teachings and techniques do we close ourselves off to?  We live in a fast paced, drive thru, take a pill for it society where we want things NOW.  The funny part of all that is we have everything available to us NOW, we just can’t always see it or remember to connect with it.  Remembering what worked before in the past is not to go backwards.  It is to harness that power and energy and bring it forth into our new vibration, making it more useful and stronger than ever before.

What are you willing to do that is outside your comfort zone right now?  Explore!  Treat the experience like an adventure.  After all, life is an adventure, isn’t it?

Gotta run now.  I’ve got a rock treatment waiting…

Love & Laughter,



I am so happy to see how many people my blog is reaching!  Thanks to everyone all over the world – the U.S., Belgium, Spain, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, South America, Mexico, India, United Kingdom, Iceland, Turkey, Israel, Switzerland, and big thanks to readers in Las Vegas, NV; Red Bank, NJ; Salamanca, NY; Carrolton, TX; Escondido, CA; Reno, NV; Dearborn, MI; Brooklyn, NY; Ft Lauderdale, FL; Sacramento, CA; Oakland, CA; Alisoviejo, CA; Glendale, AZ; Saint Louis, MO; Bristol, RI, and so many more!!!!

To show my GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION to my readers, I am giving away a copy of my latest book, “What You Need to Know to Live a Spiritual Life.”  This book is a collaboration of several gifted healers and teachers in the local Las Vegas Community.  I am proud to contribute my chapter on Angels.  Here is a recent review on Amazon.com :

“I began reading this book Saturday night. Big mistake. I ended up staying up all night until I finished. This book is a tour of a very diverse array of spiritual perspectives and knowledge! I’ve been very frustrated in my own spiritual journey as there seemed to be so much “out there” that I didn’t know where to start or what to learn next. In this little treasure of a book, each author offers a glimpse of their area of expertise, which helps me tremendously as there were certain chapters I really enjoyed, pointing me towards my next course of studies. I really enjoyed the chapters around angels, yoga, chakras, and the path of the wise ones, although all chapters were very well-written. Some subjects I just didn’t have any interest in. Overall, I think anyone interested in exploring spirituality will benefit from reading this book and using it as a guide to map out their own spiritual path. Highly recommend.”

If you would like a chance to WIN this EXCITING BOOK, all you need to do is sign up to follow my blog.  There is a sign up box to receive my blog by email on the left hand side of the screen.  Everyone who has already signed up to follow the blog is automatically entered.   I will announce a winner on March 21st.

Copy of the book will include a personalized channeled message from me (and the Angels, of course!).