Infinite Possibilities. Infinite Perfection. (A Channeled Message by Arch Angel Jophiel)

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Infinite Possibilities.   Infinite Perfection.

(channeled January 12, 2015)


Dear Ones,

Again, it is my distinct pleasure and honor to be with you all this evening, to feel your hearts, to be in the presence of such power, such beauty, and such spirit.  It is a playground, if you will, to me, to see the joy, the peace and the love and the light that exists within you all.

For you are BRAVE, Dear Ones. You are courageous.  You are one of the few in an infinite amount of souls on the other side who said yes, I volunteer to be human.  I volunteer to come down to a place, a plane, this Earth,  where things are dense and I will fit into this vehicle called a physical self and I will forget about home.  I will allow a veil to be placed over my eyes and over my heart.  And I will learn the duality of good and evil.  I will learn the duality of love and hate.

But I will still choose LOVE.

And through choosing LOVE I will recognize my own light.  As I vibrate at that frequency of light that veil will begin to thin.  I will remember home.  I will remember the soul and the strength that I am.  I will remember my truth no matter who tries to dim my light.  No matter who tries to tell me otherwise.

There are many trials and tribulations going on in your world now, going on all around you.   And it is time, Dear Ones, for you to truly see your light and embrace it. So much fear is present in your world right now.  There are those who are evil who are pushing the boundaries and limits of fear for this is what feeds them.  This is what makes them feel powerful.  And they will try to distract you.  They will try to displace your focus and your concern.

Let me tell you Dear Ones, evil does not care what color you are, what religion you are, what your gender, your faith or your sexual preference is.  Evil affects all if we allow it.

Dear Ones, where these is light there can be no darkness.

Do not feed into the fear of those who want power and control.  See them for what they are. Band together as the Lightworkers that you are and create waves of light within this Earth plane and indeed within the universe.  This battle has been going on for eons of time especially since the creation of planet Earth itself.  Time and time again Lightworkers have won and continue to win.  Light Warriors stand up tall against the darkness.  I say these things to heed you, to give you warning.  It is not to place fear within you, but to let you know your strength, and your power and your greatness.  It is time to OWN that greatness, Dear Ones.  It is time to take the leap of faith.  Time to stand within that joy.  To stand within the love that you were created in. To know that you are worthy.  This is your birthright, Dear Ones; to live in a world of harmony and peace and joy; to be safe; to not feel threatened as you walk down a street or worry about where you may travel to.

 You, yourselves, with your minds, and with your hearts can create a world of harmony.  For as you shine your light brightly, as you believe in your light, as you embrace your truth and your soul, you illuminate the path for other souls themselves.

Imagine if you will, someone close to you being in a state of fear, and you illuminating your light so brightly that they remember their own.  It is like a wildfire sparking and continuing on. You are fanning a flame so that others may remember their own truth and their own light.

These children that are upon this planet right now, they are old souls.  Some call them crystalline, some call them indigo, some call them rainbow.  These are Light Warriors, Dear Ones.  Light Warriors who have been around since time began.  They have been illuminating their light.  They have been shining brightly so that others recognize and connect to their own spiritual truths, their own core essence of the soul they are.  These children are here for reasons.  Deep seeded reasons.  If you think of the story of Lemurian crystals and how the people of Lemuria planted these seed crystals all over your planet to be found again, so records and  memories and that history can be rediscovered – I tell you these children carry this same philosophy, have that same essence, that same meaning and reason for being here.

They are activators.  For when you connect with these children, they cause you to remember WHO you are.  They activate the vibration of home within you.  You see their strength.  You see their wisdom.  And you want more of that.  You want to see that within yourself.  They mirror that vibration back to you, so you not only remember the childlike innocence, and playfulness and joy that is truly inside of you, but you remember the light of Home and you recognize it inside of yourself.

Treat these children well, Dear Ones.  For those that are labeled autistic and ADHD are some of the most dimensionally connected humans upon your planet.

It is so important to bond together and release the judgment that you have, not only for others but most definitely about yourselves.  There is a standard in which you criticize yourselves.  When you belittle yourself, or when you compare your successes, or your failures, or your appearance, or your health, or your finances to someone else you are pulling your energy down.  That is not a way to raise your vibration.

If you think of yourself as the God-Self that you are, would God criticize you?  Would Mother/Father God come and tell you that your body is anything less than perfection?  You ARE perfection, Dear Ones, absolutely.  You have a beauty that exceeds any words that I could ever come up with.  That beauty is not just within your physicality, it is within your light, your heart, compassion, your understanding, the way that you treat your fellow man.  THAT is LOVE.  THAT is NOT belittling.  That beauty is not pulling away from your self-esteem or your self-worth.

I would urge each of you to allow yourselves to feel whatever feelings you are encountering at this time.  If that is sadness, allow yourself to cry.  Release it.  Let it go.  If you are grieving, if you are angry, if you are happy, if you are joyful – allow that emotion to express within your physical self.  So much illness is present because those emotions are stuffed into a container somewhere within your physical self.  This manifests as DIS-ease and imbalance within your body.  Wherever these is dis-ease and imbalance your energetic patterning and energetic field cannot flow, cannot flow correctly.  Think of a river that runs very clear, and very fast and circulates. When you cast doubt upon yourself, when you allow this dis-ease or imbalance to manifest within the physical, you create a dam within this river.  Blocks are created within your physical and energetic system that may create a backache, a headache, an earache or even things like cancer, seizures and other diseases within your body – they all have an emotional connection, an energetic connection and a spiritual connection.

It is important to realize when you get an ache or a pain within your body to connect with your heart, Dear Ones.  Ask your heart, why is this happening?  What emotion is this tied to?  Think about where you were when you first started feeling the discomfort.  What was the incident right before the pain came on?  Obviously, sometimes accidents happen and cannot always be avoided.  But the majority of the time, the dis-ease and imbalance within your body has an emotional and energetic connection.

I urge you to work at keeping your systems clear and grounded.  The more that you can do this, the more light you hold within yourself and the more light you anchor here upon this planet.

Together we can shine so brightly.  So brightly.

It was always the intention, as souls first came to this planet, to create Heaven, Home, here on Earth.  There have been times when we have achieved that vibration on this planet.  It is possible once again.  It is possible within your lifetime.  Anything is possible, Dear Ones, if you set your mind, your heart and your soul to achieve it.

2014 , The Year of Power – Channeled Message from the Arch Angel Jophiel

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2014, The Year of Power

Channeled Message from the Arch Angel Jophiel

The following is a transcript from a channeling I did on January 10th, 2014 in Las Vegas at Enchanted Forest Reiki.  The room was full of amazing people and energy.  As I connected to the Arch Angel Jophiel, this beautiful message about the upcoming year came through:


Dear Ones,

It is indeed a great honor and a great blessing to be with you this evening.  This start of a miraculous new year.  And I use the term miraculous not lightly, for there are many miracles in store for each and every one of you.  The past year has been one of turbulence for so many.  It has been a way of weeding out what has not worked.  Many of you have gone through trauma, through turmoil, through your relationships, through your businesses, your careers, your finances.  You have said goodbye to those you loved so dearly and to belief systems and truths that you held so closely to your heart.  This has been a way for you to realize what no longer serves you.  Not to cause you distress or sadness or grief, but to figure out what you really embrace as your truth.  For were you not to weed out these different things that no longer worked for you, you would not know your heart.  You would not know the strength of your soul, of your spirit.  You would not be closer to understanding your mission and purpose for this lifetime.  This is a plane of duality, Dear Ones.  You learn not only by the light, but you learn by the lower vibrations as well.  Those of grief, of sadness, of loss, of negativity.  These are all valuable lessons and you each have chosen to be here on this plane of duality and experience all of these different emotions, all of these different lessons, because you have that strength within; because you are that light within.  Not every soul comes down from Home and plays human, Dear Ones, only the strongest do.  And though you may ask yourselves, “What did I sign up for?”  Inside, in your heart, in that space where the spark of Source and Creator resides, you know full well why you signed up for this.  You know your purpose.  You know your strength.

Each and every one of you come to the lesson of light as you chose to inhabit this physical form.  You choose your struggles.  You choose the ones that you connect with around you. Though seemingly, it may seem not as if you made these choices and yet you have.  For even within the greatest tragedies and traumas come the most valuable lessons and gifts.  This is the year where thinking shifts more to seeing the gift in all things than seeing simply the trauma and the tragedy.  This is the year where perception changes and you truly embrace that higher view of why you’re here.  And when those things come up and when you face those catastrophes and when you face that chaos, you will have the wherewithal to step back. Pull back from the emotion of it, take a deep breath and center, and realize this is merely an experience.  This is a phase.  This is an opportunity.  This is a lesson.  This catastrophe, this trauma, this turmoil does not define who I am.  It is merely an experience.  And as you each know, each experience to you is a drop in the vast ocean.  For you are all souls having a human experience.  This is not your first dance upon this planet, Dear Ones.  You have incarnated many times.  You have learned many lessons before and have various missions and purposes which you have fulfilled.

 Because of the heightened vibration and energy both on this planet and within humanity as a species, you will connect to a greater degree to your soul and its totality.  So when you begin hearing the voices seemingly coming from nowhere, seeing the shadows out of your peripheral vision, having visions of your own or very vivid dreams that you can’t seem to explain, realize that these are all pieces of you.  These are different aspects of your soul.

And as you come into this time of 2014, this is the time where you merge with your soul and all its different pieces; all its different aspects and parallels that reside in different dimensions.  It is a choice.  You can choose to actually feel and sense all of your different parallels, or you can choose to just have the awareness. But either way as your vibration raises, those indications from all of your other senses you’ll be feeling it, you’ll be smelling it, you’ll be seeing it, you’ll be tasting it, you’ll be knowing it.  So know that these changes, and many of you have already felt them; you’re either feeling them now or they’re very closely on their way–they are here to aid you.  They are not here to cause you further distress.  They are here to be used as a tool.

If I were to give you an analogy of the human heart, there are many different vessels within a human heart.  There are many different atriums within a human heart.  You are going from an aspect of merely operating on one valve in a heart and to this year using it full force.  Think of the possibilities, Dear Ones.  Think of the amazement that lies ahead of you.  The places of joy that you will reach.  The different things that you will be able to sense and feel and manifest.  And because your vibration is higher, because the frequency upon this planet is higher, your manifestation skills and abilities are also heightened.  Be very mindful of your thoughts, Dear Ones.  For when you wake up in the morning and you look at yourself in the mirror if you say you are poor you are indeed poor.  If you say you are unhealthy, you are indeed unhealthy and that affirmation is a command to the universe and in a frequency such that you are vibrating at, it becomes your reality in an instant.

Be kind to yourself.  Treat yourself with the compassion that you treat others with.  I do not understand when I look, and I feel, and I sense every single one of you how you could see anything other than perfection.  You are created as a god.  You are created as the spark of Source.  How could you not see that as beauty and light and wonderment?  That is all I see and sense in this room.  And if you take but one thing home with you tonight, I pray you take that with you.  That you are indeed a spark of Source.  You are indeed a bright light worthy of all the love in existence in the entire universe.  We on the other side watch you in wonderment.  We watch how you are these beautiful vast beings of light, these amazing souls that you are, and how you fit into a very tiny, tiny vessel.  It is amazing to us how you pull a veil over your eyes because you agreed to and that you forget the wonderment of Home.  You forget your vitality.  You forget your ability and your power and your light.

It is as if there is a door blocking you from your own connection to your soul.  And I ask you to open that door.  Don’t just put a foot in.  Open it wide open.  Allow that light to fill you.  For there are portals, there are vortexes opening, allowing that energy to rush through on this earth plane right now.  So many things–if you listen to your media, if you listen and you watch your TV programs or your newspapers or your internet–are telling you how terrible the world is around you.  And there are reasons for things failing right now.  It’s because the system never worked in the first place.  It’s because you are awakening.  You are remembering your power, your strength, and your light.  And you are putting that firm boundary on the ground and saying, “No more.”  How wonderful is that?  And again I remind you to look for the gift in each lesson as these different programs and these different systems will be in upheaval.  And if you were merely to look at it with your analytical mind and your logical thinking you would go into fear.  But if you step back and you merge with that heart space, take the deep breath, and call all of your soul in, you will realize the gift.  You will see the lesson and you will be able to step away from the split second firing of fear that is such a human emotion.  This is the year of taking back your power, of being within your power—calling it in to its full degree.

There’s so much light ahead of you.  So much healing will occur this year, both physically, mentally, spiritually.  And as each of you step forward and receive this healing and this understanding, you create that space for everyone around you.  You create that space for Mother Earth herself and what a beautiful gift to give–believing enough in yourself to shine your own light so that you affect the lives of others.  Isn’t that why you’re all here?  Wasn’t that the agreement on the other side before you decided to play human? You were going to do the best job you could possibly do, not just move through the motions, but to truly shine.

The energetics that are set for this year are very reminiscent of the times of Lemuria.  The times when we all worked together side by side–angels, masters, humans, souls, spirits, light beings, animals, minerals.  We all worked for the greatest good of all.  The ego didn’t come into play.  We opened up our hearts to connect with one another to be a supportive force for each other.  To join and merge our own light and our power together.  To assist one another, hand in hand, side by side, heart to heart.  The energy frequencies are so similar to those of Lemuria.  Other galaxies within our universe are watching, are assisting, are adding their light, are adding their love and their power and their intention to help and assist you to manifest something wonderful.

You’ve noticed how your technology has changed really within the last few years.  How things seemingly can happen in a split second of time and how time itself has changed.  This all has to do with your perception, how your physicality takes in this energy, how your mind and your brain function.  I would ask you also to please listen to your bodies for they are becoming attuned to this energy.  As they attune to this energy there will be some things to work out.  Just as in the past year you have gone through different ways like a roller coaster ride—things that worked for you, things that didn’t work for you, releasing things from your energetic form, releasing things from your relationships–now you will find that your physical self also has to integrate that higher vibration.  You might find physical symptoms that seemingly come from nowhere, that you can’t explain, and that a doctor cannot explain.  Feel your own bodies.  See where those blocks reside.  If you’re getting a physical reaction there is an emotional and a spiritual reason for that.  Go into quiet time.  Connect with your heart.  Ask for your guidance, your higher realms, your angels, your guides to be around you and offer you assistance.  Connect with the Earth for she has always been there to heal you and to help you and to assist you.

This is also a very wondrous time of bringing forth the divine feminine to a higher frequency and a higher level than it has been on this planet in centuries.  The divine feminine, which resides in all of you, both male and female, is about nurturing.   It’s about compassion, but it is also about beginning.  It is also about rebirth.  It is also about power and protection.  This will also be very prevalent in the coming year. ….

Thank you all for coming here this evening.  We are all gathered here by choice, not by coincidence.  The energies that each of you bring have created this space.  The light that each of you shines has created this beautiful experience and I am blessed and honored to be a part of it.  Thank you so much.  And so it is.

Life is Like a Cup of Starbucks…



Life is Like a Cup of Starbucks…


Not too very long ago, I was taking some much needed, “ME time” and using a gift certificate I rec’d for my birthday at a local spa.  As I laid on my stomach, head in the head rest, I anxiously awaited zoning in on Zen time and floating off to La-La Land.  The therapist began the massage and I waited for my mind to shut down and go into peaceful silence.

And I waited.

And I waited.

And I waited.

My thoughts went to my to-do list, then to all the things I’d been avoiding.  You know…those things you overlook because you’re so distracted with everything thing else you ARE doing?  As my mind continued on the hamster wheel of could of, would of, should of, I instinctively called on my guides for assistance.

“Please help me find the off button for this freaking overwhelm,” I intuited.

Within seconds, the Arch Angel Jophiel was at my side.  A peace and calm came over me.  I knew I was in good hands (TWO sets now, in fact).  She began speaking to me in her soft, yet oh so powerful voice.

“You know,” she said, “Life is like a cup of Starbucks.”

Starbucks?  White mochas?  Pumpkin spice lattes? Caramel Frappaccinos?  The hamster wheel of ongoing overwhelm stopped.  She had my full attention.

“Your cup of Starbucks can be anything you want.  You can add flavors, extra espresso, whipped cream, the sky is the limit.  Your creation can be non-fat, low-fat, skim or full to the rim of calories.  It’s whatever you make of it.  Sometimes your order comes to you and tastes bitter.  Those first few sips can curl your toes as the boldness and zest of the coffee wakes you up in seconds.  There’s no balance.  The sweetness, the flavorings you’ve added that you LOVE so much, have sunk to the bottom of the cup.  It’s time to stir things up.  It’s time to shake that cup and mix it up!  Bring that concoction to life!  No one wants to drink all the bitterness to simply have sticky sweetness at the end of the drink, just as no soul wants to struggle through life only to reach the joy of Heaven at the end of it.  So, shake things up!  Balance out the bitterness, the to-dos and haven’t-dones, with the sweetness!  Then you create a steadiness that is unmovable and flows with the energies of love and joy.  This time right now, your ME time, this is the sweetness.  Don’t hide it’s flavor by focusing on outside sources.  Drink it in!”

What she said made so much sense.  I always love the way Arch Angel Jophiel creates her analogies in a way that I completely understand.  I breathed in a deep breath and fully let go of my mind.  The trip to La-La Land was long overdue.  I reached that place of middle ground between the physical and etherical plains.

And then Jophiel began to speak deeply to my heart of our partnership and what we would be teaching together.

Those details are for a later time, coming soon.  It is a comfort knowing that I have this connection to the Beautiful Jophiel and it is taking me time to absorb all of her lightness and understanding.

Happy New Year!  May this year bring you sweetness and balance in all that you are and all that you experience!

Angel Blessings,


A Grateful Heart ~ Channeled Message from Arch Angel Jophiel

Dear Ones,

Rejoice in this moment, this very moment right now.  As you read these words upon this page, take heed of the gratitude that awaits your embrace.  How many things are working for good within your life?  We reason and believe there are many attributes for which you are thankful.

Take one such blessing in your life and focus your energy upon it right now.  Feel the warmth of positive force rush over you and envelop each and every part of you.  See and sense your heart expand as you hold this godsend close in your thoughts.  Breathe in the unconditional love and vibration of thanksgiving.  Allow this awareness to encompass you.

Can you feel the shift in your energy that has taken place?  It has taken a matter of minutes within your day to change your perception.  Think of the possibilities of what may occur if more time were spent on your blessings and gratitude.  As you bring in these higher levels, your entire system relaxes and becomes at peace.  Issues that would normally bother you do not upset you.  People and interests gravitate in a positive manner toward you for you have set the expectation of goodness.  Like energy attracts like energy.

Humanity makes things so difficult, as it is your design and nature to over analyze and apply your human logic to thoughts and feelings.   If you were to do exactly the opposite, and apply your emotion to logic, that is when the bridge forms to connect both sides of the brain; where the veil becomes transparent and the secrets of the Universe are revealed.

Not too shabby, eh?

A grateful heart paves the road for a rewarding journey.  A grateful heart clears a cluttered mind.

May you find peace and rejoicing within a grateful heart.

Arch Angel Jophiel


Intuitive Angels Radio Show

Every Thursday at 10:30am Pacific Time

Join us tomorrow for Communicating With Spirit.

In this episode, noted Medium and Channel, Danielle Garcia, fields your calls and questions about Spirit Communication.

What happens when…

You feel like someone is watching you?

The hairs on the back of your neck stand up?

You feel a calming presence come over you?

You receive the same “signs” over and over again?

Spirits are not to be feared.  With some insight and information, become empowered to understand the mechanics of connecting with those not of the physical realm.

Call in and share your experience or to ask questions.  Danielle is ready to connect and help you sort through these issues.–communicating-with-spirit