Angels and Masters and Light Beings…Oh My!!


I want to share with you an amazing experience I was blessed to witness last week at a Spiritual Circle I held at my home.

Several wonderful people gathered with me in celebration of the life of a devoted local healer in our community who recently passed.  We created an altar in her memory and we each lit a candle for her in remembrance of the love and laughter she shared with each of us.  Also, we came together as a healing circle for another dear friend who was recently presented with a healing and learning opportunity upon discovering that she has cancer present in her body.

I was called to direct the circle in the spirit and energy of a Blessingway, a Native American ritual normally utilized for pregnant women to welcome in their new babies as well as the next phase of their lives.  To me, our dear friend, is in the midst of her own “re-birth” and instead of hiding behind a diagnosis, she was ready to announce to the world her intention.  You have to know something about our dear friend: she is very strong, has a heart of gold, and owns a sense of faith that can move mountains!  Not only that, but she also is loved beyond measure by our local community and also to all who know her.

The thought hit me about how situations like this were handled in the past.  And when I say “the past” I mean a long, long, time ago when we lived in close-knit villages and tribes.  Everyone knew one another and we all worked and played and laughed and loved and healed right alongside each other.  Each person knew their neighbor and all about their neighbor’s “koolaid,”  so to speak.   If someone in the tribe was in need, they were surrounded with the support of the people.  Likewise, if there was an incident to celebrate, each person gathered together to rejoice and honor the cause or person.

We have advanced so much as a civilization, and yet at times I ponder at how much we have digressed.  Our media states we should reach out to a pharmacy if we have a problem, or even worse, that reaching out in itself is a weakness and could result in being ridiculed or bullied.  I am the first to cheer for technology, for I am able to connect with so many wonderful people and have knowledge at the tap of a keystroke, BUT, there is only so much comfort one can gather from a text or an email.  The touch of a hand, the warmth of an embrace and the look of a smile can never be replaced.

My intention was to focus loving energy on our dear friend, and for her to feel the loving support of her friends.  I wanted her to know she was not alone, and never would be.  I wanted her to know that she could turn to any one of us for assistance with ANYTHING and I called in the loving support of the Angels to help out.

We formed a circle and began with a candle passed from person to person so they could put their “blessing intention” energy into it for our dear friend.  If they wished to speak aloud, they did, and if they wished to silently infuse the candle, they did.  Our dear friend, at the end of this ritual, also stated her own healing intention for herself and the candle was placed on an altar created for her.  People placed gifts on the altar for her; crystals, healing jewelry, oils, and such and a beautiful scarf was created to channel more love and healing into her body and spirit.

I began to channel a message from the Angels to further set the intention, and also to invite in more loving energy from the higher realms.  As all of us in attendance blended our energies and spirits together within the room, we focused on sending the energy to the healing table located in the center of the circle.  I was mesmerized by the colors and energy coming from the table.  It was like a dancing rainbow, or even more so what I would imagine a trip on LSD must look like.  The colors blended and meshed together flowing from one extreme to the next forming an incredible nest like environment in and around the table.  It was now time for our dear friend to lay upon the table and receive.

As each person was guided, they approached the table to lay hands upon our dear friend, and offer her love and healing.  Some rubbed her hands and feet, others were drawn to place their hands upon her heart.   I stood at her head for quite some time, guided to stroke her face and hair.  It was about honoring her spirit, her choices, and pumping as much love into each cell of her body that she would allow herself to receive.  I have no idea how long I stood there, nurturing our dear friend, but I can tell you that time felt as if it did not exist.  The messages given to her from others within our group, the laughter and giggles we shared as we worked with her, they all brought tears of love and joy to me.

There were about eighteen of us within the healing circle, so we took turns loving her.  We remained in circle at all times, keeping the energy high and sending love from where we were seated if we were not at the table.  As I went back to my chair, I looked around the room and beheld beauty I cannot possibly describe.  I will do my best in words, but I believe the chills running through my body and the tears of happiness shining in my eyes are better emotions to depict what I am recalling about that night.  I saw the higher selves of each person gathered in that room joined with the higher self of our dear friend.  I saw Angels and Masters working in the ethers above and alongside us.  I observed a portal form underneath the table and buckets and buckets of dark, black, dense energy leave our dear friend’s body.  Four light beings stood on either side of her, reaching into her belly and removing bits and pieces of darkness.  I felt the presence of Raphael, Michael, Mother Mary and Jophiel in the room.  Raphael floated above our dear friend, shining so much light into her it was almost blinding to me.  As those gathered around her continued to channel their love and healing, Arch Angel Michael whispered in my ear, “Do you see?  Do you see how this was handled?  Do you see her opening her heart and feeling the love from us all, from God within and God without.  This is how it has been and this is how it shall be if you choose.”

We then all gathered around the table with one hand covering our hearts, and one hand touching our dear friend.  We blasted her one more time with the love inside our hearts; the love we held for her and the love we held for Spirit.  Of course, it wouldn’t have been a good time if Michael had not prompted me to start us all singing a nice chorus of, “All You Need it Love.”

Our circle ended that night in laughter, in song, and in celebration.  Our dear friend is a shining example for all of us.  How easy it would be to crawl in bed and let a diagnosis dictate your actions.  We’ve all been “diagnosed” haven’t we?  Either we are a code on a doctor’s medical record, or a label in someone’s conversation.  I look at our dear friend and I see her courage to embrace the situation.  I see her strength grow each and every day as well as that amazing light within her.  Most of all, I see those walls she had built with self-doubt and blame crumbling down as she allows herself to receive the love we all have for her.

I diagnose that as a miracle.

Love & Laughter,
